• Dec 2022
  • Bulletin

Inno-Tech Project Received ITF-PRP

Faculty Aims to Develop Smart Dentistry

Dr James Tsoi and Professor LJ Jin

From left: Dr James Tsoi and Professor LJ Jin

An inno-tech project "Smart Oral Jet ProCleaning System" coordinated by Dr James Tsoi, Associate Professor in Dental Materials Science, together with Prof LJ Jin, Modern Dental Laboratory Professor in Clinical Dental Science and Clinical Professor in Periodontology, and Dr TC Ng, world-renowned inventor and explorer, obtained Innovation Technology Fund-Partnership Research Programme (ITF-PRP) Funding. The funding aims to support applied research and development projects undertaken by local public research institutes in collaboration with companies.

The Project team received an amount of $1.5 million from Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) and another $1.5 million from Industry Sponsorship. "We strive to build Hong Kong into a world class smart city, and we have to embrace innovation and technology to build Smart Dentistry in Hong Kong" said Dr Tsoi. "Maintaining good oral health is significant to general health. With the industrial support, we work towards transferring our research to daily life application directly and immediatelyā€¯, he continued.

We strive to build Hong Kong into a world class smart city, and we have to embrace innovation and technology to build Smart Dentistry in Hong Kong.
Dr James Tsoi

The Faculty of Dentistry is committed to providing high quality of living and oral care to the Hong Kong society.

ITF-PRP was launched in January 2019 and administered by ITC with the objective to promote Hong Kong's innovation and technology via upgrading in manufacturing and service industries which contributes to increased productivity and enhanced competitiveness that is translatable into long-term economic development of Hong Kong.

Learn more about Innovation Technology Fund-Partnership Research Programme Funding
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