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  • Dec 2022
  • Bulletin

HKIDEAS 2022 Supported by Faculty Members

Staff and Students Won Poster Presentation

HKIDEAS 2022 Supported by Faculty Members

Professor Thomas Flemmig (second right) visits the Faculty of Dentistry booth

Faculty Members Presented in the Expo

The 11th Hong Kong International Dental Expo and Symposium (HKIDEAS) with the theme of “Driving Innovation in Dentistry”, hosted by the Hong Kong Dental Association, took place at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre from 2 December through 4 December, 2022.

A total of 14 honorable guests, including Professor Chung Mau Lo, Secretary for Health; Dr Dustin Wai, Chairman of HKIDEAS organizing committee and Professor Thomas Flemmig, Dean of Faculty of Dentistry, officiated at the opening ceremony. Many faculty members attended the ceremony to support this yearly dental occasion.

In addition, Prof CH Chu, Clinical Professor in Cariology and Dr Walter Lam, Clinical Assistant Professor in Prosthodontics, delivered their public oral health talk on “How To Deal With Common Oral Diseases Among Hong Kong Preschool Children” and “How the technology revolute Dentistry?”, respectively.

Professor Thomas Flemmig

Professor Thomas Flemmig at the opening ceremony of the HKIDEAS 2022

Professor CH Chu and Dr Walter Lam

Professor CH Chu (third right) and Dr Walter Lam (third left) receive certificate of appreciation from Dr Dustin Wai (second right), Chairman of HKIDEAS 2022.

Poster Presentation Awards and Project Supported By URP
winners of poster presentation

Group photo of winners of poster presentation and HKIDEAS organising committee members

The 2nd Runner-up project is supported by the Faculty’s Undergraduate Research Programme (URP) which is an animal study that investigates the effect of the potential pharmaceutical in promoting nerve regeneration and functional healing of nerve.

The team included Dr Matthew Lam (BDS 2022), Dr Christophe Tsui (BDS 2022) and Karvis Chan (BDS V) under the supervision of Dr Mike Leung, Clinical Associate Professor in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.

“Our study involved chemical reactions in synthesis of our target drug, and applied in standardized rats’ nerve injury model, in order to investigate the effect of the target drug on both physiological and histological healing of the neural tissues” said Dr Matthew Lam. The team hoped that the project is transferable in the application of dental surgery in the future.

The opportunity to participate in a year-long scientific research as a dental student, from planning to executing, working as a team with supervisor and teammates, and eventually generating a poster to share with other dental colleagues is indeed remarkable and precious.
Dr Matthew Lam

Furthermore, they would like to encourage other BDS students to participate in the URP as it is a great platform for students to explore and develop their interest in dentistry from different perspectives.

“The opportunity to participate in a year-long scientific research as a dental student, from planning to executing, working as a team with supervisor and teammates, and eventually generating a poster to share with other dental colleagues is indeed remarkable and precious. It has allowed me to gain not only knowledge, experiences, but also more importantly, a deeper insight into dentistry, which is crucial in my dental study and even career planning after graduation”, Dr Lam concluded.

Faculty members won poster presentation at HKIDEAS. Below is the list of awardees:

  • Most-popular Poster

  • Title
  • Oral Health Care Services for Older Adults in Hong Kong
  • Presenter
  • Professor CH Chu and Dr Alice Chan Kit-ying
  • Champion

  • Title
  • A bibliometric Analysis to Assess the Global Research interest in Antimicrobial Peptides for Caries Management
  • Presenter
  • Dr Olivia Zhang Lili
  • 1st Runner-up

  • Title
  • Segmental Mandibular Advancement for Moderate-to-Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea
  • Presenter
  • Dr Joan Wan Chi-ching
  • 2nd Runner-up
  • Title
  • Localised Delivery of Carbamylate Erythropotein (CEPO) from Fibrin Glue in Promotion of Functional Recovery and Regeneration of Nerve in Peripheral Nerve Injury
  • Presenter
  • Dr Matthew Lam Ting-chak
40th Anniversary Photo Booth
40th Anniversary Photo Booth

The booth showcases photos of the history of the Faculty of Dentistry

A booth with the theme of 40th Anniversary was put up by the Faculty. Professor Thomas Flemmig, Dean, Professor CH Chu, Associate Dean (External Relations), Mr Gerhard Zielinski, Director of Institute for Advanced Dentistry - Multi-specialty Clinic, Dr Mike Leung, Assistant Dean (External Relations), alumni, staff and students were drawn to the booth by photos from "scratch to hatch" that illustrated the development of the Faculty. Visitors had the chance to take pictures with friends and colleagues at the backdrop of our significant milestones of the Faculty.