• Feb 2023
  • Bulletin

Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award 2022

Alumnus Nurture Students Wholeheartedly

Dr Elvis Tsang

Dr Tsang teaches his juniors by exploring the journey with them.

Dr Elvis Tsang, Principal Clinical Dental Instructor in Periodontology, was awarded the Faculty Outstanding Teacher Award 2022, which acknowledged his outstanding contributions and excellence in teaching at the Faculty.

Being an alumnus of the Faculty of Dentistry, Dr Tsang obtained his Bachelor of Dental Surgery and Master of Dental Surgery (Periodontology) from HKU. He understands what dental students need. He practices what he preaches. “A teacher should be a role model to the students. One should teach the students by acting or behaving the same way s/he teaches,” Dr Tsang said.

When he exchanges and shares his knowledge and experience, he ensures his students absorb and understand the information. He is also open to different perspectives. “I learned using Problem-Based Learning when I was a Bachelor of Dental Surgery student, hence I am open to all ideas or comments from my students when they respond to my questions. We would then discuss their rationale behind them. This process allows us to understand each other’s thinking, and from there, the students could truly learn from my sharing.”

A teacher should be a role model to the students. One should teach the students by acting or behaving the same way s/he teaches.
Dr Elvis Tsang

Dentistry is a very “hands-on” profession. A teacher must demonstrate and explain different procedures in details during clinical practice. Nevertheless, each patient and treatment are different, students have to acquire the techniques and skills by themselves. “One of the biggest challenges as teachers is that we cannot directly transfer skillsets to students,” he said. Additionally, students may suggest some "creative" ways of treatment which may be impractical or impossible to carry out.

In view of this, Dr Tsang shares not only his knowledge and success stories, but also his failing experiences. “It is important for them to realize that most people have gone through more or less the same journey when learning and it is fine to make mistakes.” He teaches his juniors by exploring the journey with them. “I used to teach 9 to 10 clinical sessions per week and have debriefing and discussion sessions until 7 pm in the clinic. Although those days were hectic, they were also the most memorable moments of my teaching career. I am very proud of them,” he expressed.

His enthusiasm and dedication to teaching paid off. He is honoured to receive the Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award. “It’s a recognition,” he said. Looking into the future, he hopes to continue contributing to the dental teaching and learning of undergraduates and postgraduates. He looks forward to achieving a good balance of teaching and research for the teaching staff.

Each year, the Faculty presents the Faculty Outstanding Teacher Award to a staff who has made a major contribution in advancing teaching and learning of the Faculty by maintaining an exceptional record of sustained teaching and learning activity within the last five years in undergraduate and/or postgraduate education. The winner of the Award will receive a Teaching and Learning Support Grant which may be used by the individual to further his/her teaching and learning activities and/or professional development.