• Student & Alumni Corner
  • Mar 2023
  • Bulletin

Mentorship Programme for Classes 2025 & 2026

Strengthening Bond between Dental Students and Alumni

Ms Sabrina Ng and Dr Ada Lo

Ms Sabrina Ng (left) and her mentor, Dr Ada Lo, Immediate Past President of HKUDAA.

The University of Hong Kong Dental Alumni Association (HKUDAA) and Faculty of Dentistry have organised two joint Mentorship Programmes for Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) students recently. Inauguration ceremonies were held for Year 4 students (Class of 2025) and Year 3 students (Class of 2026) on 17 February and 3 March 2023 respectively at the Hotel ibis (Sheung Wan).

The programme aims to provide a platform for BDS students and dental alumni to bond, engage in meaningful dialogues and exchange ideas. Graduates can contribute to their alma mater by being mentors and sharing their knowledge and experience with BDS students. At the same time, students could benefit from being part of the network of former graduates.

The events kicked off with a welcome speech delivered by Professor Thomas Flemmig, Dean. He was grateful that many dentists and specialists participated in the programme to nurture a new generation of dental professionals amid their busy schedules. Dr Dave Chan, President of HKUDAA, invited students to seize this opportunity to proactively exchange ideas with mentors.

Jacky Wong

Mr Jacky Wong (in black top) is looking forward to the clinical attachment.

One of the Year 4 students, Mr Jacky Wong, expressed his appreciation for the arrangement and believed that the programme has provided BDS students with the opportunity to connect with more dentists and seniors. "We can seek advice on our future path, possible clinic attachments in dentists’ clinics and know more about the dentistry world outside of the Faculty," he said. He is looking forward to attaching at his mentor's clinic in April.

Dr Ada Lo, the Immediate Past President of HKUDAA, shared why she joined the programme. “Students need guidance from seniors throughout their student life - clinical and personal development, and maybe early career path. A mentor could be one of the most important people to guide them through difficult times and share happiness. I wish to share my experience and insights with my mentees and hopefully we both learn from each other,” she expressed.

Year 3 student Ms Sabrina Ng, Dr Lo’s mentee, not only had fruitful conversations with her mentor, but also got to know other dentists from different years and backgrounds. “All mentors were extremely enthusiastic. The programme embraces the idea of dentistry as a small but close family!”

Students need guidance from seniors throughout their student life - clinical and personal development, and maybe early career path. A mentor could be one of the most important people to guide them through difficult times and share happiness.
Dr Ada Lo

“I have seen quite a number of successful pairs of mentors and mentees during my service in HKUDAA. They become good friends or even business partners. As the Immediate Past President of HKUDAA, I am happy to see more and more fruitful relationships developed through this programme,” stated Dr Lo.

The events concluded in success. Stay tuned for our third mentorship programme for the Class of 2024 on 25 April 2023.

Special thanks to Haleon (GSK) for supporting the mentorship programmes.

Professor Thomas Flemmig

Professor Flemmig (right) thanks dentists and specialists nurture a new generation of dental professionals.

Dr Dave Chan

Dr Chan, President of HKUDAA, invites students to be proactive to connect with mentors.

Classes of 2025 and 2026

Classes of 2025 and 2026