Bridging the clinical transition gap
Back row from left: Erika Shek, Jaye Chan, Rowenna Yue, Hailey Wong, Candy Ng, Professor Michael Botelho;
Front row from left: Peter Fong, Benjamin Shu, Airis Mok, Hins Lei.
Our BDS students have set a remarkable precedent for mentoring within the Faculty. Despite their demanding schedules, senior dental students are eager to share their experiences, helping their junior peers prepare for the clinical training ahead.
Recognising the need for better preparation for clinic orientation and clinical skills practice, a dedicated group of 33 BDS students initiated a peer mentorship programme for BDS 3 students. This initiative, invited by Professor Michael Botelho, Clinical Professor in Prosthodontics, exemplifies the “Students as Partners” collaboration.
These mentors have generously devoted their time and enthusiasm, sharing their hard-earned knowledge and experience to help juniors transition from theoretical studies to clinical practice and patient care.
As one of the peer mentors stated, "We have faced many challenges as dental students when entering clinical training. A mentorship programme to support our junior peers has been incredibly beneficial.”
The inaugural group of student mentors completed their service this July. Their commitment to sharing experiences and knowledge has not only helped junior students navigate the complexities of the clinical environment but also fostered a sense of camaraderie and family within our dental faculty. We celebrate their invaluable contributions and encourage more to join this rewarding initiative!