• Mar 2023
  • Bulletin

BDS Students Engaged with the Community

Provided Dental Service to the Underprivileged

Mak Yuen Ying

Ms Mak Yuen Ying appreciates the opportunity as the dental outreach service allows BDS students to utilise their skills and knowledge to serve the community in need.

A dental outreach service was organised by the HKU Faculty of Dentistry and the Society of Preventive Dentistry of Hong Kong on 25 February 2023. The team collaborated with Health in Action to serve the low-income families living in Kwai Tsing District. Over 70 participants joined the event to learn more about tooth decay, gum diseases and proper oral care through a talk, an exhibition and interactive group teaching. Simple dental examination was also provided by Faculty of Dentistry Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) students under the supervision by volunteer - Dr Edwin Lee, part-time teacher of Restorative Dental Sciences.

One of the participating students, Ms Mak Yuen Ying, Year 5, treasured this opportunity, “As a BDS student, I am honoured to be able to utilise my skills and knowledge to serve the community, especially for those with lower income and usually could not afford dental visits. The oral health education in group seminar, demonstration and individual sessions also provided us with valuable chances to spread the importance of oral hygiene and prevention of various dental illness,” she said.

As a BDS student, I am honoured to be able to utilise my skills and knowledge to serve the community, especially for those with lower income and usually could not afford dental visits.
Mak Yuen Ying

Additionally, dental outreach services allow students to engage themselves in the community which the learning is different from the clinical training at the Faculty. They can spend more time with each patient, perform dental screening for the participants and educate them on any oral health concerns. The direct and positive comments from the service clients are encouraging to the dentists-to-be.

“We were glad to hear lots of positive responses from participants who were eager to join our event again in the future to learn more about oral health,” said Professor CH Chu, Associate Dean (External Relations) cum Clinical Professor in Cariology, “The Faculty is committed to nurturing the next generations of oral health professions not just through theoretical learning and clinical training, but also via knowledge transfer and community engagement”, he elaborated.

BDS students perform oral examination

BDS students perform oral examination.

BDS Students Engaged with the Community

BDS student delivers oral health education talk to participants.

BDS Students Engaged with the Community

BDS students are delighted to collaborate with Health in Action to serve the low-income families.