• June 2023
  • Bulletin

Experts Share Dental Biomaterials Trends and Applications

Six Faculty Members as Plenary Speakers in Shanghai Forum

Experts Share Dental Biomaterials Trends and Applications

Faculty members attend the "Frontiers Forum on Next-generation Biomaterials in Dental Medicine 2023".
From right: Dr Dan Kiho Cho, Dr Zhou Ye, Dr James Tsoi, Professor Xinquan Jiang, Professor Chengfei Zhang, Dr Wei Qiao and Dr Sang Jin Lee.

The HKU Faculty of Dentistry and UPCERA Group jointly organized the "Frontiers Forum on Next-generation Biomaterials in Dental Medicine 2023" on May 19 -20, 2023 at the Jin Jiang Hotel in Shanghai. The event highlighted the frontier dynamics and trends in oral biomaterials research and technology. To promote the research, development and application of new materials, technologies and products, international and local dental materials experts showcased innovative scientific and technological achievements and demonstrated the appcliation of biomaterials over the two-day forum.

During his opening speech, Professor Thomas Flemmig, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, stated that the field of dental biomaterials was expanding rapidly, with new discoveries and innovations constantly pushing the limits of what was once thought to be impossible. The moderator and Chair of the organizing committee of the event, Dr Zhou Ye, Assistant Professor in Biofunctional Materials, Faculty of Dentistry, said that in order to provide better care and to ensure the best possible outcomes for patients, “we must move with the times and keep up with the latest material development.”

The forum brought together leading experts in the field of oral biomaterials from various industries abroad and at home, including six Faculty members who were also plenary speakers:

  • Dental Resin Composites and Applications in Digital Dentistry
    Dr Dan Kiho Cho, Assistant Professor in Dental Materials Science
  • Transplantation of Dental Stem Cells Under Facile Way
    Dr Sang Jin Lee, Assistant Professor in Biofunctional Materials
  • The Central Role of Macrophage in Skeletal Interoceptive Circuit
    Dr Wei Qiao, Clinical Assistant Professor in Applied Oral Sciences & Community Dental Care
  • Industry 4.0 In Smart Dentistry
    Dr James Tsoi, Associate Professor in Dental Materials Science
  • Dynamic Supramolecular Materials for Dental Applications
    Dr Zhou Ye, Assistant Professor in Biofunctional Materials
  • Research in HKU Dentistry: Strive Towards Excellence
    Professor Chengfei Zhang, Clinical Professor in Endodontics

The Forum also featured other acclaimed speakers, including Professor Xinquan Jiang, Dean of Faculty of Dentistry, Executive Dean of College of Stomatology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Professor Conrado Aparicio, Department of Odontology of UIC Barcelona – Universitat International de Catalunya, Spain (and fellow of the AIMBE-American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering); Professor Pan Haobo, Director of Research Center for Human Tissues and Organs Degeneration, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Science; Dr Yan Zhuoqun, CEO of UPCERA Group; and Dr Liu Xin, Dr Xia Lunguo, Dr Shi Junyu and Dr Du Jiahui of School of Stomatology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

The forum concluded fruitfully with valuable suggestions from experts in the field of oral biomaterials. The organizing committee expressed their gratitude to Dr Hui Chen, Clinical Assistant Professor in Restorative Dental Sciences, HKU Faculty of Dentistry, for her contributions to the initial planning and organizing of the forum and for liaising with Shanghai Jiao Tong University.