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Professor Burrow, Michael Francis portrait
Faculty Staff
Professor Burrow, Michael Francis
BDS, MDS (Adel); MEd (Melb); PhD (Tokyo Med Dent); DDSc (Adel); FICD; MRACDS(Prosthodontics); FRACDS
General Information
Associate Dean (Undergraduate Education)
Clinical Professor in Prosthodontics
Restorative Dental Sciences
Phone Number
2859 0221
Research Theme
Craniofacial Regeneration
Areas of Research Expertise
Dental Biomaterials, adhesive dentistry and its durability, clinical trials(resin-based adhesives, glass ionomer cement, resin composite, resin cements)
Cariology – root caries, caries risk, restoration of root caries, biofilm management, and plant based-crosslinking agents
Prosthodontics – zirconia-based restorations
Dental Education
Advanced Sorting
  1. Chen HM, Li KY, Li TL, Wong GHY, Kwong YL, Ng RC, Burrow MF, McGrath C, Chen H. Association of Dietary Inflammation with Tooth Loss and Cognitive Decline in Older Adults from Cross-sectional Data: The Moderated Role of Albumin, Journal of Dentistry 2024; 144 doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2024.104967
  2. Lee Ka Yi, Chan Charlotte Cheuk Kwan, Yip Ching, Li Joyce Tin Wing, Hau Cheuk Fung, Poon Sarah Suen Yue, Chen Hui Min, Li Kar Yan, Burrow Michael Francis, Wong Gloria Hoi Yan, Kwong Elaine Yee Lan, Chen Hui. Association between tooth loss-related speech and psychosocial impairment with cognitive function: A pilot study in Hong Kong's older population, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2024; doi:10.1111/joor.13718
  3. HU H, Burrow MF, Leung WK. Proteomic profile of in situ acquired pellicle on tooth and restorative material surfaces, Journal of Dentistry 2023; 129: 104389-104389 doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2022.104389
  4. Ding H, Cui ZM, Maghami E, Chen YN, Matinlinna JP, Pow EHN, Fok ASL, Burrow MF, Wang WP, Tsoi JKH. Morphology and mechanical performance of dental crown designed by 3D-DCGAN, Dental Materials 2023; 39(3): 320-332 doi:10.1016/
  5. Ding H, Wu J, Zhao W, Matinlinna JP, Burrow MF, Tsoi JKH. Artificial intelligence in dentistry—A review, Frontiers in Dental Medicine 2023; 4 doi:10.3389/fdmed.2023.1085251
  6. Lim Tong Wah, Pan Hongyi, Pan Mi, Burrow Michael Francis, McGrath Colman. Agreement in quantification of removable prosthesis plaque area coverage using a semi-automated planimetric assessment method, Journal of Dentistry 2023; 138 doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2023.104721
  7. Lim Tong Wah, Tan Su Keng, Li Kar Yan, Burrow Michael Francis. SURVIVAL AND COMPLICATION RATES OF RESIN COMPOSITE LAMINATE VENEERS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND META-ANALYSIS, Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice 2023; 23(4) doi:10.1016/j.jebdp.2023.101911
  8. HU H, Burrow MF, Leung WK. Evaluation of 12-hour in situ bacterial colonization on smooth restorative material surfaces, Journal of Dentistry 2022; 119: 104071-104071 doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2022.104071
  9. Ding H, Yang Y, Li X, Cheung GSP, Matinlinna JP, Burrow MF, Tsoi KH. A simple AI-enabled method for quantifying bacterial adhesion on dental materials, Biomaterial Investigations in Dentistry 2022; 9: 75-83 doi:10.1080/26415275.2022.2114479
  10. YUN J, Tsui KH, Fan Z, Burrow MF, Matinlinna JP, Wang Y, Tsoi KH. A biomimetic approach to evaluate mineralization of bioactive glass-loaded resin composites, Journal of Prosthodontic Research 2022; doi:10.2186/jpr.JPR_D_21_00177
  11. Molina GF, Cabalen MB, Aranguren JP, Palma SD, Pino GA, Burrow MF. Color changes and shear bond strength to simulated caries lesions treated with a novel solution of 20% silver nanoclusters in polymethacrylic acid, Scientific Reports 2022; 12 doi:10.1038/s41598-022-19757-6
  12. Cabalen MB, Molina GF, Bono A, Burrow MF. Nonrestorative Caries Treatment: A Systematic Review Update, International Dental Journal 2022; doi:10.1016/j.identj.2022.06.022
  13. Yun JJ, Burrow MF, Matinlinna JP, Wang Y, Tsoi JKH. A Narrative Review of Bioactive Glass-Loaded Dental Resin Composites, Journal of Functional Biomaterials 2022; 13(4) doi:10.3390/jfb13040208
  14. Molina Gustavo Fabián, Cabral Ricardo Juan, Mazzola Ignacio, Burrow Michael. Surface gloss, gloss retention, and color stability of 2 nano-filled universal resin composites, Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics 2022; 47(4): 1-13 doi:10.5395/rde.2022.47.e43
  15. WEI C, Burrow MF, Botelho MG, Leung WK. Analysing Complex Oral Protein Samples: Complete Workflow and Case Analysis of Salivary Pellicles, Journal of Clinical Medicine 2021; 10: article no. 2801-article no. 2801 doi:10.3390/jcm10132801
  16. HU H, Burrow MF, Leung WK. A systematic review of the proteomic profile of in vivo acquired enamel pellicle on permanent teeth, Journal of Dentistry 2021; 113: article no. 103799-article no. 103799 doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2021.103799
  17. Shimizu S, Kotake H, Takagaki T, Shinno K, Miyata S, Burrow MF, Hotta M, Nikaido T. Evaluation of bonding performance and multi-ion release of S-PRG fillercontaining self-adhesive resin composite, Dental Materials Journal 2021; 40(5): 1257-1263 doi:10.4012/dmj.2020-142
  18. Ruengrungsom C, Burrow MF, Parashos P, Palamara JEA. Comprehensive characterisation of flexural mechanical properties and a new classification for porosity of 11 contemporary ion-leaching dental restorative materials, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2021; 121: article no. 104615-article no. 104615 doi:10.1016/j.jmbbm.2021.104615
  19. Kitasako Y, Ikeda M, Takagaki T, Burrow MF, Tagami J. The prevalence of non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs) with or without erosive etiological factors among adults of different ages in Tokyo, Clinical Oral Investigations 2021; 25(12): 6939-6947 doi:10.1007/s00784-021-03984-8
  20. Sayed M, Nikaido T, Abdou A, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Potential use of silver diammine fluoride in detection of carious dentin, Dental Materials Journal 2021; 40(3): 820-826 doi:10.4012/dmj.2020-308
  21. Yamamoto S, Sayed M, Takahashi M, Matin K, Hiraishi N, Nikaido T, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Effects of a surface prereacted glass–ionomer filler coating material on biofilm formation and inhibition of dentin demineralization, Clinical Oral Investigations 2021; 25(2): 683-690 doi:10.1007/s00784-020-03577-x
  22. Aung SZ, Takagaki T, Ikeda M, Nozaki K, Burrow MF, Abdou A, Nikaido T, Tagami J. The effect of different light curing units on Vickers microhardness and degree of conversion of flowable resin composites, Dental Materials Journal 2021; 40(1): 44-51 doi:10.4012/dmj.2019-353
  23. Cai J, Burrow MF, Manton DJ, Palamara JEA. Using Proanthocyanidin as a Root Dentin Conditioner for GIC Restorations, Journal of Dental Research 2021; 100: 1072-1080 doi:10.1177/00220345211018182
  24. Vicheva M, Sato T, Takagaki T, Baba Y, Ikeda M, Burrow MF, Nikaido T, Tagami J. Effect of repair systems on dentin bonding performance, Dental Materials Journal 2021; 40(4): 903-910 doi:10.4012/dmj.2020-277
  25. Perry S, Bridges SM, Burrow MF. A conceptual model for clinical psychomotor skill development in an era of simulated and virtual reality, European Journal of Dental Education 2021; doi:10.1111/eje.12699
  26. Ahmed K, Peres KG, Peres MA, Evans JL, Quaranta A, Burrow MF. Operators matter – An assessment of the expectations, perceptions, and performance of dentists, postgraduate students, and dental prosthetist students using intraoral scanning, Journal of Dentistry 2021; 105: article no. 103572-article no. 103572 doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2020.103572
  27. Cai J, Burrow MF, Manton DJ, Hardiman R, Palamara JEA. Remineralising effects of fluoride varnishes containing calcium phosphate on artificial root caries lesions with adjunctive application of proanthocyanidin, Dental Materials 2021; 37(1): 143-157 doi:10.1016/
  28. Wang T, Matinlinna JP, Burrow MF, Ahmed KE. The biocompatibility of glass-fibre reinforced composites (GFRCs) – a systematic review, Journal of Prosthodontic Research 2021; 65(3): 273-283 doi:10.2186/jpr.JPR_D_20_00031
  29. Nikaido T, Takagaki T, Sato T, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Fluoride-Releasing Self-Etch Adhesives Create Thick ABRZ at the Interface, BioMed Research International 2021; 2021: article no. 9731280-article no. 9731280 doi:10.1155/2021/9731280
  30. Daood U, Burrow MF, Yiu CKY. Effect of a novel quaternary ammonium silane cavity disinfectant on cariogenic biofilm formation, Clinical Oral Investigations 2020; 24: 649-661 doi:10.1007/s00784-019-02928-7
  31. Wei C-X, Burrow MF, Botelho MG, Lam H, Leung WK. In Vitro Salivary Protein Adsorption Profile on Titanium and Ceramic Surfaces and the Corresponding Putative Immunological Implications, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2020; 21(9): article no. 3083-article no. 3083 doi:10.3390/ijms21093083
  32. Ferooz M, Bagheri R, Jafarpour D, Burrow MF. Physical Properties of Nanohybrid and Microhybrid Resin Composites Subjected to an Acidic Environment: A Laboratory Study, Operative Dentistry 2020; 45(3): E105-E113 doi:10.2341/18-319-L
  33. KO AK, MATSUI N, NAKAMOTO A, IKEDA M, NIKAIDO T, Burrow MF, TAGAMI J. Effect of silver diammine fluoride application on dentin bonding performance, Dental Materials Journal 2020; 39(3): 407-414 doi:10.4012/dmj.2019-057
  34. Halabi S, Matsui N, Nikaido T, Abdo A, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Effect of two bleaching regimens on enamel bonding performance, Dental Materials Journal 2020; 39(6): 984-991 doi:10.4012/dmj.2019-239
  35. Sayed M, Tsuda Y, Matin K, Abdou A, Martin K, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Effects of mechanical abrasion challenge on sound and demineralized dentin surfaces treated with SDF, Scientific Reports 2020; 10(1): article no. 19884-article no. 19884 doi:10.1038/s41598-020-77035-9
  36. Shen Y, Zalizniak I, Palamara JEA, Burrow MF, Walker GD, Yuan Y, Reynolds C, Fernando JR, Reynolds EC. Recharge and increase in hardness of GIC with CPP-ACP/F, Dental Materials 2020; 36(12): 1608-1614 doi:10.1016/
  37. Nikaido T, Takagaki T, Sato T, Burrow MF, Tagami J. The concept of super enamel formation —Relationship between chemical interaction and enamel acid-base resistant zone at the self-etch adhesive/enamel interface, Dental Materials Journal 2020; 39(4): 534-538 doi:10.4012/dmj.2020-165
  38. Sayed M, Hirashi N, Matin K, Adbou A, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Effect of silver-containing agents on the ultra-structural morphology of dentinal collagen, Dental Materials 2020; 36(7): 936-944 doi:10.1016/
  39. Reungrungsom C, Burrow MF, Parashos P, Palamara JEA. Evaluation of F, Ca, and P release and microhardness of eleven ion-leaching restorative materials and the recharge efficacy using a new Ca/P containing fluoride varnish, Journal of Dentistry 2020; 102: article no. 103474-article no. 103474 doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2020.103474
  40. Shimada Y, Burrow MF, Araki K, Zhou Y, Hosaka K, Sadr A, Yoshiyama M, Miyazaki T, Sumi Y, Tagami J. 3D imaging of proximal caries in posterior teeth using optical coherence tomography, Scientific Reports 2020; 10: article no. 15754-article no. 15754 doi:10.1038/s41598-020-72838-2
  41. Wang T, Matinlinna JP, He J, Ahmed KE, Burrow MF. Biomechanical and biological evaluations of novel BPA-free fibre-reinforced composites for biomedical applications, Materials Science and Engineering: C 2020; 117: article no. 111309-article no. 111309 doi:10.1016/j.msec.2020.111309
  42. Nakamoto A, Sato T, Matsui N, Ikeda M, Nikaido T, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Effect of fluoride mouthrinse and fluoride concentration on bonding of a one-step self-etch adhesive to bovine root dentin, Journal of Oral Science 2019; 61(1): 125-132 doi:10.2334/josnusd.17-0466
  43. Thonbai-On N, Chotvorarak K, Banomyong D, Burrow MF, Osiri S, Parraravisitsate N. Fracture resistance, gap and void formation in root‐filled mandibular molars restored with bulk‐fill resin composites and glass‐ionomer cement base, Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry 2019; 10(4): article no. e12435-article no. e12435 doi:10.1111/jicd.12435
  44. Akagawa N, Koizumi H, Nogawa H, Kodaira A, Burrow MF, Matsumura H. Effect of etching with potassium hydrogen difluoride and ammonium hydrogen difluoride on bonding of a tri-n-butylborane initiated resin to zirconia, Dental Materials Journal 2019; 38(4): 540-546 doi:10.4012/dmj.2018-152
  45. Aung SSMP, Takagaki T, Ko A, Halabi S, Sato T, Ikeda M, Nikaido T, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Adhesion durability of dual-cure resin cements and acid–base resistant zone formation on human dentin, Dental Materials 2019; 35(7): 945-952 doi:10.1016/
  46. Kijsamanmith K, banomyong D, Burrow MF, Kanchanasantikul P, wipawiwat S, Srikam S, Laojarungphesatchakorn S. Effect of Conventional and Acid-modified Casein Phosphopeptide-Amorphous Calcium Phosphate Crèmes on Dentin Permeability Before and After Acid Challenge, Operative Dentistry 2019; 44(5): 530-535 doi:10.2341/17-382-L
  47. Cai J, Burrow M, Manton DJ, Tsuda Y, Sobh EG, Palamara JEA. Effects of silver diamine fluoride/potassium iodide on artificial root caries lesions with adjunctive application of proanthocyanidin, Acta Biomaterialia 2019; 88: 491-502 doi:10.1016/j.actbio.2019.02.020
  48. Ahmed KE, Wang T, Li KY, Luk WK, Burrow MF. Performance and perception of dental students using three intraoral CAD/CAM scanners for full-arch scanning, Journal of Prosthodontic Research 2019; 63(2): 167-172 doi:10.1016/j.jpor.2018.11.003
  49. Saad A, Inoue G, Nikaido T, Abdou AMA, Sayed M, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Effect of dentin contamination with two hemostatic agents on bond strength of resin-modified glass ionomer cement with different conditioning, Dental Materials Journal 2019; 38(2): 257-263 doi:10.4012/dmj.2018-059
  50. Sayed M, Matsui N, Hiraishi N, Inoue G, Nikaido T, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Evaluation of discoloration of sound/demineralized root dentin with silver diamine fluoride: In-vitro study, Dental Materials Journal 2019; 38(1): 143-149 doi:10.4012/dmj.2018-008
  51. Cochrane S, Burrow MF, Parashos P. Effect on the mechanical properties of human and bovine dentine of intracanal medicaments and irrigants, Australian Dental Journal 2019; 64(1): 35-42 doi:10.1111/adj.12655
  52. Keys T, Burrow MF, Rajan S, Rompre P, Domejean S, muller-bolla M, Manton DJ. Carious lesion management in children and adolescents by Australian dentists, Australian Dental Journal 2019; 64(3): 282-292 doi:10.1111/adj.12710
  53. Halabi S, Matsui N, Nikaido T, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Effect of Office Bleaching on Enamel Bonding Performance, The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 2019; 21(2): 167-177 doi:10.3290/j.jad.a42362
  54. Akehashi S, Takahashi R, Nikaido T, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Enhancement of dentin bond strength of resin cement using new resin coating materials, Dental Materials Journal 2019; 38(6): 955-962 doi:10.4012/dmj.2018-328
  55. Kanamori Y, Takahashi R, Nikaido T, Bamidis EP, Burrow MF, Tagami J. The effect of curing mode of a high-power LED unit on bond strengths of dualcure resin cements to dentin and CAD/CAM resin blocks, Dental Materials Journal 2019; 38(6): 947-954 doi:10.4012/dmj.2018-344
  56. Saad A, Nikaido T, Abdou A, Matin K, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Inhibitory effect of zinc-containing desensitizer on bacterial biofilm formation and root dentin demineralization, Dental Materials Journal 2019; 38(6): 940-946 doi:10.4012/dmj.2018-352
  57. Wei CX, Leung WK, Burrow MF. Evaluation of in vitro Streptococcus mutans and Actinomyces naeslundii attachment and growth on restorative materials surfaces, Australian Dental Journal 2019; 64(4): 365-375 doi:10.1111/adj.12715
  58. Schwendicke F, Splieth C, Bresch L, Banerjee A, Fontana M, Paris S, Burrow MF, Crombie F, Page LF, Gatón-Hernández P, Giacaman R, Gugnani N, Hickel R, Jordan RA, Leal S, Lo E, Tassery H, Thomson WM, Manton DJ. When to intervene in the caries process? An expert Delphi consensus statement, Clinical Oral Investigations 2019; 23(10): 3691-3703 doi:10.1007/s00784-019-03058-w
  59. SAYED M, MATSUI N, UO M, NIKAIDO T, OIKAWA M, Burrow MF, TAGAMI J. Morphological and elemental analysis of silver penetration into sound/demineralized dentin after SDF application, Dental Materials 2019; 35(12): 1718-1727 doi:10.1016/
  60. Zhao IS, Gao SS, Hiraishi N, Burrow MF, Duangthip D, Mei ML, Lo ECM, Chu CH. Mechanisms of silver diamine fluoride on arresting caries: a literature review, International Dental Journal 2018; 68(2): 67-76 doi:10.1111/idj.12320
  61. Ruengrungsom C, Palamara J, Burrow MF. Comparison of ART and conventional techniques on clinical performance of glass-ionomer cement restorations in load bearing areas of permanent and primary dentitions: A systematic review, Journal of Dentistry 2018; 78: 1-21 doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2018.07.008
  62. Brichko J, Burrow MF, Parashos P. Design Variability of the Push-out Bond Test in Endodontic Research: A Systematic Review, Journal of Endodontics 2018; 44: 1237-1245 doi:10.1016/j.joen.2018.05.003
  63. Sayed M, Matsui N, Hiraishi N, Nikaido T, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Effect of Glutathione Bio-Molecule on Tooth Discoloration Associated with Silver Diammine Fluoride, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2018; 19: 1322-1322 doi:10.3390/ijms19051322
  64. Alzraikat H, Burrow MF, Maghaireh GA, Taha NA. Nanofilled Resin Composite Properties and Clinical Performance: A Review, Operative Dentistry 2018; 43: E173-E190 doi:10.2341/17-208-T
  65. Chailert O, Banomyong D, Vongphan N, Ekworapoj P, Burrow MF. Internal adaptation of resin composite restorations with different thicknesses of glass ionomer cement lining, Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry 2018; 9: e12308-e12308 doi:10.1111/jicd.12308
  66. Cai J, Palamara J, Burrow MF. Effects of Collagen Crosslinkers on Dentine: A Literature Review, Calcified Tissue International 2018; 102: 265-279 doi:10.1007/s00223-017-0343-7
  67. Kakiuchi Y, Takagaki T, ikeda M, Sato T, Matsui N, Nikaido T, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Evaluation of MDP and NaFin Two-stepo Self-etch Adhesives on Enamel Microshear Bond Strength and Morphology of the Adhesive-Enamel Interface, The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 2018; 20: 527-534 doi:10.3290/j.jad.a41632
  68. Zhao IS, Mei ML, Burrow MF, Lo ECM, Chu CH. Prevention of secondary caries using silver diamine fluoride treatment and casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate modified glass-ionomer cement, Journal of Dentistry 2017; 57: 38-44 doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2016.12.001
  69. Zhou Z, Burrow MF, Lo ECM, Chu CH. Shear Bond Strength and Remineralisation Effect of a Casein Phosphopeptide-Amorphous Calcium Phosphate-Modified Glass Ionomer Cement on Artificial “Caries-Affected” Dentine, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2017; 18(8): article no. 1723-article no. 1723 doi:10.3390/ijms18081723
  70. Epasinghe DJ, Kwan S, Chu D, Mei L, Burrow MF, Yiu CKY. Synergistic effects of proanthocyanidin, tri-calcium phosphate and fluoride on artificial root caries and dentine collagen, Materials Science and Engineering: C 2017; 73: 293-299 doi:10.1016/j.msec.2016.11.078
  71. Umer D, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF, Niu LN, Tay FRCM. Effect of a novel quaternary ammonium silane on dentin protease activities, Journal of Dentistry 2017; 58: 19-27 doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2017.01.001
  72. Daood S, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF, Niu LN, Tay FRCM. Effect of a novel quaternary ammonium silane cavity disinfectant on durability of resin-dentine bond, Journal of Dentistry 2017; 60: 77-86 doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2017.03.003
  73. Epasinghe DJ, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF. Effect of proanthocyanidin on ultrastructure and mineralization of dentine collagen, Archives of Oral Biology 2017; 84: 29-36 doi:10.1016/j.archoralbio.2017.09.012
  74. Epasinghe DJ, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF. Mechanical properties, water sorption characteristics, and compound release of grape seed extract-incorporated resins, Journal of Applied Oral Science 2017; 25(4): 412-419 doi:10.1590/1678-7757-2016-0448
  75. PERRY S, Burrow MF, Leung WK, Bridges SM. Simulation and curriculum design: A global survey in dental education, Australian Dental Journal 2017; 62(4): 453-463 doi:10.1111/adj.12522
  76. PERRY S, Bridges SM, Zhu FF, Leung WK, Burrow MF, Poolton JM, Masters RSW. Getting to the Root of Fine Motor Skill Performance in Dentistry: Brain Activity During Dental Tasks in a Virtual Reality Haptic Simulation, Journal of Medical Internet Research 2017; 19: e371-e371 doi:10.2196/jmir.8046
  77. Saad A, Inoue G, Nikaido T, Ikeda M, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Microtensile Bond Strength of Resin-Modified Glass Ionomer Cement to Sound and Artificial Caries–Affected Root Dentin With Different Conditioning, Operative Dentistry 2017; 42: 626-635 doi:10.2341/16-375-L
  78. Epasinghe DJ, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF. Effect of flavonoids on remineralization of artificial root caries, Australian Dental Journal 2016; 61: 196-202 doi:10.1111/adj.12367
  79. Koizumi H, Hamama HHHE, Burrow MF. Effect of a silver diamine fluoride and potassium iodide-based desensitizing and cavity cleaning agent on bond strength to dentine, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 2016; 68: 54-61 doi:10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2016.02.008
  80. Koizumi H, Hamama HHHE, Burrow MF. Evaluation of adhesion of a CPP-ACP modified GIC to enamel, sound dentine, and caries-affected dentine, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 2016; 66: 176-181 doi:10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2016.01.007
  81. Hamama HHHE, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF. Effect of chemomechanical caries removal on bonding of resin-modified-glass ionomer cement adhesives to caries-affected dentine., Australian Dental Journal 2015; 60(2): 190-199 doi:10.1111/adj.12318
  82. Hamama HHHE, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF, King NM. Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials on chemomechanical caries removal, Operative Dentistry 2015; 40(4): E167-E178 doi:10.2341/14-021-LIT
  83. TIAN T, Tsoi KH, Matinlinna JP, Burrow MF. Aspects of bonding between resin luting cements and glass ceramic materials, Dental Materials 2014; 30: e147–e162-e147–e162 doi:10.1016/
  84. TIAN T, Tsoi KH, Matinlinna JP, Burrow MF. Evaluation of microtensile bond strength on ceramic-resin adhesion using two specimen testing substrates, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 2014; 54: 165-171 doi:10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2014.06.003
  85. Hamama HHHE, Burrow MF, Yiu CKY. Effect of dentine conditioning on adhesion of resin-modified glass ionomer adhesives, Australian Dental Journal 2014; 59: 193-200 doi:10.1111/adj.12169
  86. EPASINGHE DJ, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF, Tsoi KH, Tay FRCM. Effect of flavonoids on the mechanical properties of demineralised dentine, Journal of Dentistry 2014; 42: 1178-1184 doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2014.07.002
  87. Hamama HHHE, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF. A new method of evaluation of fracture patterns following microtensile bond strength testing using polarized light microscopy, The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 2014; 16(4): 307-311 doi:10.3290/j.jad.a32035
  88. Hamama HHHE, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF. Viability of intratubular bacteria after chemomechanical caries removal., Journal of Endodontics 2014; 40(12): 1972-1976 doi:10.1016/j.joen.2014.07.025
  89. Alkhtib A, Manton DJ, Burrow MF, Saber-Samandari S, Palamara JEA, Gross K, Reynolds EC. Effects of bleaching agents and Tooth Mousse(™) on human enamel hardness., Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry 2013; 4: 94-100 doi:10.1111/jicd.12001
  90. Zalizniak I, Palamara JE, Wong RH, Cochrane NJ, Burrow MF, Reynolds EC. Ion release and physical properties of CPP-ACP modified GIC in acid solutions., Journal of Dentistry 2013; 41: 449-54 doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2013.02.003
  91. Epasinghe DJ, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF, Hiraishi N, Tay FR. The inhibitory effect of proanthocyanidin on soluble and collagen-bound proteases., Journal of Dentistry 2013; 832-839 doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2013.06.002
  92. Hamama HHHE, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF, King NM. Chemical, morphological and microhardness changes of dentine after chemomechanical caries removal, Australian Dental Journal 2013; 58(3): 283-292 doi:10.1111/adj.12093
  93. Epasinghe DJ, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF, Tay FR, King NM. Effect of proanthocyanidin incorporation into dental adhesive resin on resin-dentine bond strength, Journal of Dentistry 2012; 40(3): 173-180 doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2011.11.013
  94. Kwon TY, Bagheri R, Kim YK, Kim KH, Burrow MF. Cure mechanisms in materials for use in esthetic dentistry, Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry 2012; 3 doi:10.1111/j.2041-1626.2012.00114.x
  95. Azar MR, Bagheri R, Burrow MF. Effect of storage media and time on the fracture toughness of resin-based luting cements, Australian Dental Journal 2012; 57(3): 349-354 doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.2012.01703.x
  96. Adebayo OA, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Relationship between composite fracture toughness and bond strengths to enamel and dentine, Australian Dental Journal 2012; 57(3): 319-324 doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.2012.01704.x
  97. Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Comparison of two all-in-one adhesives bonded to non-carious cervical lesions-results at 3 years, Clinical Oral Investigations 2012; 1089-1094 doi:10.1007/s00784-011-0595-y
  98. Adebayo OA, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ, Palamara J. Effect of tooth surface preparation on the bonding of self-etching primer adhesives., Operative dentistry 2012; 37(2): 137-149 doi:10.2341/11-172-L
  99. Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Clinical investigation of G-Bond resin-based adhesive to non-carious cervical lesions over five years, Australian Dental Journal 2012; 57: 458-463 doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.2012.01729.x
  100. Al Zraikat H, Palamara JEA, Messer HH, Burrow MF, Reynolds EC. The incorporation of casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate into a glass ionomer cement, Dental Materials 2011; 27(3): 235-243 doi:10.1016/
  101. Wong RH, Palamara JE, Wilson PR, Reynolds EC, Burrow MF. Effect of CPP-ACP addition on physical properties of zinc oxide non-eugenol temporary cements, Dental Materials 2011; 27(4): 329-338 doi:10.1016/
  102. Banomyong D, Harnirattisai C, Burrow MF. Posterior resin composite restorations with or without resin-modified, glass-ionomer cement lining: a 1-year randomized, clinical trial, Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry 2011; 2(1): 63-69 doi:10.1111/j.2041-1626.2010.00036.x
  103. Chen C, He F, Burrow MF, Xie H, Zhu Y, Zhang F. Bond strengths of two self-adhesive resin cements to dentin with different treatments, Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 2011; 31(1): 73-77 doi:10.5405/jmbe.681
  104. Tyas MJ, Burrow MF. Guest Editorial: New materials in dentistry, Australian Dental Journal 2011; 56(Suppl. 1): 1-1 doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.2010.01290.x
  105. Liew Z, Nguyen E, Stella R, Thong I, Yip N, Zhang F, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Survey on the teaching and use in dental schools of resin-based materials for restoring posterior teeth, International Dental Journal 2011; 61(1): 12-18 doi:10.1111/j.1875-595X.2011.00003.x
  106. Aoki K, Kitasako Y, Ichinose S, Burrow MF, Ariyoshi M, Nikaido T, Tagami J. Ten-year observation of dentin bonding durability of 4-META/MMA-TBB resin cement -a SEM and TEM study, Dental Materials Journal 2011; 30(4): 438-447 doi:10.4012/dmj.2011-003
  107. Zhang Y, Burrow MF, Palamara JEA, Thomas CDL. Bonding to glass ionomer cements using resinbased adhesives, Operative Dentistry 2011; 36(6): 618-625 doi:10.2341/10-140-L
  108. Burrow MF. Clinical evaluation of non-carious cervical lesion restorations using a HEMA-free adhesive: Three-year results, Australian Dental Journal 2011; 56(4): 401-405 doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.2011.01370.x
  109. Adebayo OA, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ, Adams GG, Collins ML. Enamel microhardness and bond strengths of self-etching primer adhesives, European Journal of Oral Sciences 2010; 118(2): 191-196 doi:10.1111/j.1600-0722.2010.00711.x
  110. Kitasako Y, Cochrane NJ, Khairul M, Shida K, Adams GG, Burrow MF, Reynolds EC, Tagami J. The clinical application of surface pH measurements to longitudinally assess white spot enamel lesions., Journal of Dentistry 2010; 38(7): 584-590 doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2010.04.010
  111. Bagheri R, Azar MR, Tyas MJ, Burrow MF. The effect of aging on the fracture toughness of esthetic restorative materials, American Journal of Dentistry 2010; 23(3): 142-146
  112. Adebayo OA, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Resin-dentine interfacial morphology following CPP-ACP treatment, Journal of Dentistry 2010; 38(2): 96-105 doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2009.09.007
  113. Shimada Y, Sadr A, Burrow MF, Tagami J, Ozawa N, Sumi Y. Validation of swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) for the diagnosis of occlusal caries, Journal of Dentistry 2010; 38(8): 655-665 doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2010.05.004
  114. Cochrane NJ, Cai F, Huq NL, Burrow MF, Reynolds EC. Critical review in oral biology & medicine: New approaches to enhanced remineralization of tooth enamel, Journal of Dental Research 2010; 89(11): 1187-1197 doi:10.1177/0022034510376046
  115. Bagheri R, Mese A, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Comparison of the effect of storage media on shear punch strength of resin luting cements, Journal of Dentistry 2010; 38(10): 820-827 doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2010.06.014
  116. Burrow M. Understanding adhesive dentistry., Annals of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons 2010; 20: 75-79
  117. Kitasako Y, Burrow MF, Huq LN, Stacey MA, Reynolds EC, Tagami J. A simplified quantitative test-adapted Checkbuf test-for resting saliva buffering capacity compared with a standard test, Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontology 2009; 108(4): 551-556 doi:10.1016/j.tripleo.2009.06.008
  118. Abuzar MA, Burrow MF, Morgan M. Development of a rural outplacement programme for dental undergraduates: Students' perceptions, European Journal of Dental Education 2009; 13(4): 233-239 doi:10.1111/j.1600-0579.2009.00581.x
  119. Burrow MF, Banomyong D, Harnirattisai C, Messer HH. Effect of glass-ionomer cement lining on postoperative sensitivity in occlusal cavities restored with resin composite - A randomized clinical trial, Operative Dentistry 2009; 34(6): 648-655 doi:10.2341/08-098-C
  120. Shimada Y, Ichinose S, Sadr A, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Localization of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs-2, 8, 9 and 20) in normal and carious dentine, Australian Dental Journal 2009; 54(4): 347-354 doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.2009.01161.x
  121. Shida K, Kitasako Y, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Micro-shear bond strengths and etching efficacy of a two-step self-etching adhesive system to fluorosed and non-fluorosed enamel, European Journal of Oral Sciences 2009; 117(2): 182-186 doi:10.1111/j.1600-0722.2009.00609.x
  122. Burrow M, Ricketts D, Kidd E, Innes NPT, Clarkson JE. Complete or ultraconservative removal of decayed tissue in unfilled teeth, Australian Dental Journal 2009; 54(3): 274-276 doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.2009.01133.x
  123. Banomyong D, Palamara JEA, Messer HH, Burrow MF. Fluid flow after resin-composite restoration in extracted carious teeth, European Journal of Oral Sciences 2009; 117(3): 334-342 doi:10.1111/j.1600-0722.2009.00616.x
  124. Adebayo OA, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. An SEM evaluation of conditioned and bonded enamel following carbamide peroxide bleaching and casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) treatment, Journal of Dentistry 2009; 37(4): 297-306 doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2008.12.005
  125. Sattabanasuk V, Burrow MF, Shimada Y, Tagami J. Resin bonding to dentine after casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) treatments, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 2009; 23(7-8): 1149-1161 doi:10.1163/156856109X432686
  126. Asande Adebayo O, Francis Burrow M, John Tyas M. Bonding of one-step and two-step self-etching primer adhesives to dentin with different tubule orientations, Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2008; 66(3): 159-168 doi:10.1080/00016350802123118
  127. Kitasako Y, Ikeda M, Burrow MF, Tagami J. A technique using resin composite with orthodontic wire to replace a missing tooth rapidly, Dental Traumatology 2008; 24(1): 127-130 doi:10.1111/j.1600-9657.2006.00505.x
  128. Burrow MF, Kitasako Y, Thomas CD, Tagami J. Comparison of enamel and dentin microshear bond strengths of a two-step self-etching priming system with five all-in-one systems, Operative Dentistry 2008; 33(4): 456-460 doi:10.2341/07-125
  129. Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. A clinical trial comparing two all-in-one adhesive systems used to restore non-carious cervical lesions: Results at one year, Australian Dental Journal 2008; 53(3): 235-238 doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.2008.00054.x
  130. Nikaido T, Kitasako Y, Burrow MF, Umino A, Maruoka R, Ikeda M, Tagami J. Effect of resin coating on dentin bond durability of a resin cement over 1 year, American Journal of Dentistry 2008; 21(1): 64-68
  131. Aiuchi H, Kitasako Y, Fukuda Y, Nakashima S, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Relationship between quantitative assessments of salivary buffering capacity and ion activity product for hydroxyapatite in relation to cariogenic potential, Australian Dental Journal 2008; 53(2): 167-171 doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.2008.00027.x
  132. Bartram D, Burrow M, Yao X. A computational intelligence approach to railway track intervention planning, Studies in Computational Intelligence 2008; 86: 163-198 doi:10.1007/978-3-540-75771-9_8
  133. Adebayo OA, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Dentine bonding after CPP-ACP paste treatment with and without conditioning, Journal of Dentistry 2008; 36(12): 1013-1024 doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2008.08.011
  134. Banomyong D, Palamara JEA, Messer HH, Burrow MF. Sealing ability of occlusal resin composite restoration using four restorative procedures, European Journal of Oral Sciences 2008; 116(6): 571-578 doi:10.1111/j.1600-0722.2008.00570.x
  135. Meşe A, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Sorption and solubility of luting cements in different solutions, Dental Materials Journal 2008; 27(5): 702-709 doi:10.4012/dmj.27.702
  136. Kitasako Y, Burrow MF, Stacey M, Huq L, Reynolds EC, Tagami J. Comparative analysis of three commercial saliva testing kits with a standard saliva buffering test, Australian Dental Journal 2008; 53(2): 140-144 doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.2008.00023.x
  137. Adebayo OA, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Bond strength test: Role of operator skill, Australian Dental Journal 2008; 53(2): 145-150 doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.2008.00024.x
  138. Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Five-year clinical evaluation of One-Up Bond F in non-carious cervical lesions, American Journal of Dentistry 2007; 20(6): 361-364
  139. Moule CA, Angelis F, Kim GH, Le S, Malipatil S, Foo MS, Burrow MF, Thomas D. Resin bonding using an all-etch or self-etch adhesive to enamel after carbamide peroxide and/or CPP-ACP treatment, Australian Dental Journal 2007; 52(2): 133-137 doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.2007.tb00478.x
  140. Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Clinical trial of G-Bond all-in-one adhesive and Gradia Direct resin composite in non-carious cervical lesions-Results at 1 year, Journal of Dentistry 2007; 35(7): 623-625 doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2007.04.007
  141. Adebayo OA, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Effects of conditioners on microshear bond strength to enamel after carbamide peroxide bleaching and/or casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) treatment, Journal of Dentistry 2007; 35(11): 862-870 doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2007.08.007
  142. Bagheri R, Tyas MJ, Burrow MF. Comparison of the effect of storage media on hardness and shear punch strength of tooth-colored restorative materials, American Journal of Dentistry 2007; 20(5): 329-334
  143. Wattanawongpitak N, Yoshikawa T, Burrow MF, Tagami J. The effect of thermal stress on bonding durability of resin composite adaptation to the cavity wall, Dental Materials Journal 2007; 26(3): 445-450
  144. Banomyong D, Palamara JEA, Burrow MF, Messer HH. Effect of dentin conditioning on dentin permeability and micro-shear bond strength, European Journal of Oral Sciences 2007; 115(6): 502-509 doi:10.1111/j.1600-0722.2007.00483.x
  145. Prentice LH, Tyas MJ, Burrow MF. Ion leaching of a glass-ionomer glass: An empirical model and effects on setting characteristics and strength, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 2007; 18(1): 127-131 doi:10.1007/s10856-006-0670-0
  146. Nikaido T, Takada T, Kitasako Y, Ogata M, Shimada Y, Yoshikawa T, Nakajima M, Otsuki M, Tagami J, Burrow MF. Retrospective study of the 10-year clinical performance of direct resin composite restorations placed with the acid-etch technique., Quintessence international (Berlin, Germany : 1985) 2007; 38(5): e240-246
  147. Bagheri R, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Surface characteristics of aesthetic restorative materials - An SEM study, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2007; 34(1): 68-76 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2842.2006.01608.x
  148. Pangsrisomboon B, Harnirattisai C, Nilsri K, Burrow MF. Microtensile bond strength of self-etching adhesive systems to differently prepared dentin, American Journal of Dentistry 2007; 20(4): 259-262
  149. Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Clinical evaluation of three adhesive systems for the restoration of non-carious cervical lesions, Operative Dentistry 2007; 32(1): 11-15 doi:10.2341/06-50
  150. Imamiya C, Shimada Y, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Shear bond characteristics of a tooth-colored temporary coating material to enamel, American Journal of Dentistry 2007; 20(3): 177-181
  151. Bagheri R, Tyas MJ, Burrow MF. Subsurface degradation of resin-based composites, Dental Materials 2007; 23(8): 944-951 doi:10.1016/
  152. Prentice LH, Tyas MJ, Burrow MF. The effects of boric acid and phosphoric acid on the compressive strength of glass-ionomer cements, Dental Materials 2006; 22(1): 94-97 doi:10.1016/
  153. Nikaido T, Takada T, Kitasako Y, Ogata M, Shimada Y, Yoshikawa T, Nakajima M, Otsuki M, Tagami J, Burrow MF. Retrospective study of five-year clinical performance of direct composite restorations using a self-etching primer adhesive system, Dental Materials Journal 2006; 25(3): 611-615 doi:10.4012/dmj.25.611
  154. William V, Burrow MF, Palamara JEA, Messer LB. Microshear bond strength of resin composite to teeth affected by molar hypomineralization using 2 adhesive systems, Pediatric Dentistry 2006; 28(3): 233-241
  155. Maeda T, Kitasako Y, Senpuku H, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Role of oral streptococci in the pH-dependent carious dentin, Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences 2006; 53(3): 159-166
  156. Sattabanasuk V, Burrow MF, Shimada Y, Tagami J. Resin adhesion to caries-affected dentine after different removal methods, Australian Dental Journal 2006; 51(2): 162-169 doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.2006.tb00421.x
  157. William V, Messer LB, Burrow MF. Molar incisor hypomineralization: Review and recommendations for clinical management, Pediatric Dentistry 2006; 28(3): 224-232
  158. Moritsuka M, Kitasako Y, Burrow MF, Ikeda M, Tagami J, Nomura S. Quantitative assessment for stimulated saliva flow rate and buffering capacity in relation to different ages, Journal of Dentistry 2006; 34(9): 716-720 doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2006.01.004
  159. Mishra P, Palamara JEA, Tyas MJ, Burrow MF. Effect of static loading of dentin beams at various pH levels, Calcified Tissue International 2006; 79(6): 416-421 doi:10.1007/s00223-005-0271-9
  160. Kitasako Y, Ikeda M, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Oral health status in relation to stimulated saliva buffering capacity among Japanese adults above or below 35 years of age, Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences 2006; 53(4): 175-180
  161. Wattanawongpitak N, Yoshikawa T, Burrow MF, Tagami J. The effect of bonding system and composite type on adaptation of different C-factor restorations, Dental Materials Journal 2006; 25(1): 45-50 doi:10.4012/dmj.25.45
  162. Foong J, Lee K, Nguyen C, Tang G, Austin D, Ch'ng C, Burrow MF, Thomas DL. Comparison of microshear bond strengths of four self-etching bonding systems to enamel using two test methods, Australian Dental Journal 2006; 51(3): 252-257 doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.2006.tb00438.x
  163. Prentice LH, Tyas MJ, Burrow MF. The effect of ytterbium fluoride and barium sulphate nanoparticles on the reactivity and strength of a glass-ionomer cement, Dental Materials 2006; 22(8): 746-751 doi:10.1016/
  164. Moritsuka M, Kitasako Y, Burrow MF, Ikeda M, Tagami J. The pH change after HCl titration into resting and stimulated saliva for a buffering capacity test, Australian Dental Journal 2006; 51(2): 170-174 doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.2006.tb00422.x
  165. Murakami K, Kitasako Y, Burrow MF, Tagami J. In vitro pH analysis of active and arrested dentinal caries in extracted human teeth using a micro pH sensor, Dental Materials Journal 2006; 25(3): 423-429 doi:10.4012/dmj.25.423
  166. Mishra P, Palamara JEA, Tyas MJ, Burrow MF. Effect of loading and pH on the subsurface demineralization of dentin beams, Calcified Tissue International 2006; 79(4): 273-277 doi:10.1007/s00223-006-0050-2
  167. Prentice LH, Tyas M, Burrow MF. Erratum to "The effect of oxalic acid incorporation on the setting time and strength of a glass-ionomer cement" [Acta Biomaterialia 2 (1) (2006) 109-112] (DOI:10.1016/j.actbio.2005.08.007), Acta Biomaterialia 2006; 2(3): 363-363 doi:10.1016/j.actbio.2006.02.003
  168. Sakoolnamarka R, Burrow MF, Prawer S, Tyas MJ. Raman spectroscopic study of noncarious cervical lesions, Odontology 2005; 93(1): 35-40 doi:10.1007/s10266-005-0052-y
  169. Burrow M, Clark L, Pallett P, Ward R, Thomas D. Falsework verticality: Leaning towards danger?, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Civil Engineering 2005; 158(1): 41-48 doi:10.1680/cien.
  170. Prentice LH, Tyas MJ, Burrow MF. The effect of particle size distribution on an experimental glass-ionomer cement, Dental Materials 2005; 21(6): 505-510 doi:10.1016/
  171. Akagawa H, Nikaido T, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Influence of cavity configuration on the adhesion of two resin-based composites to pulpal floor dentin, American Journal of Dentistry 2005; 18(4): 233-236
  172. Sakoolnamarka R, Burrow MF, Swain M, Tyas MJ. Microhardness and Ca:P ratio of carious and Carisolv™ treated caries-affected dentine using an ultra-micro-indentation system and energy dispersive analysis of x-rays - A pilot study, Australian Dental Journal 2005; 50(4): 246-250 doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.2005.tb00368.x
  173. Prentice LH, Tyas MJ, Burrow MF. The effect of mixing time on the handling and compressive strength of an encapsulated glass-ionomer cement, Dental Materials 2005; 21(8): 704-708 doi:10.1016/
  174. Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Two-year clinical evaluation of One-Up Bond F in noncarious cervical lesions, Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 2005; 7(1): 65-68
  175. Burrow MF, Harada N, Kitasako Y, Nikaido T, Tagami J. Seven-year dentin bond strengths of a total- and self-etch system, European Journal of Oral Sciences 2005; 113(3): 265-270 doi:10.1111/j.1600-0722.2005.00213.x
  176. Shimada Y, Tomimatsu N, Suzuki T, Uzzaman MA, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Shear bond strength of tooth-colored indirect restorations bonded to coronal and cervical enamel, Operative Dentistry 2005; 30(4): 468-473
  177. Bagheri R, Burrow MF, Tyas M. Influence of food-simulating solutions and surface finish on susceptibility to staining of aesthetic restorative materials, Journal of Dentistry 2005; 33(5): 389-398 doi:10.1016/j.jdent.2004.10.018
  178. Burrow MF, Thomas D, Swain MV, Tyas MJ. Analysis of tensile bond strengths using Weibull statistics, Biomaterials 2004; 25(20): 5031-5035 doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2004.01.060
  179. Tyas MJ, Burrow MF. Adhesive restorative materials: A review, Australian Dental Journal 2004; 49(3): 112-121 doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.2004.tb00059.x
  180. Shimada Y, Seki Y, Sasafuchi Y, Arakawa M, Burrow MF, Otsuki M, Tagami J. Biocompatibility of a Flowable Composite Bonded with a Self-etching Adhesive Compared with a Glass Ionomer Cement and a High Copper Amalgam, Operative Dentistry 2004; 29(1): 23-28
  181. Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Clinical evaluation of an 'all-in-one' bonding system to non-carious cervical lesions - Results at one year, Australian Dental Journal 2003; 48(3): 180-182 doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.2003.tb00029.x
  182. Shimada Y, Iwamoto N, Kawashima M, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Shear bond strength of current adhesive systems to enamel, dentin and dentin-enamel junction region, Operative Dentistry 2003; 28(5): 585-590
  183. Burrow JF, Burrow MF, Makinson OF. Pits and fissures: Relative space contribution in fissures from sealants, prophylaxis pastes and organic remnants, Australian Dental Journal 2003; 48(3): 175-179 doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.2003.tb00028.x
  184. Hiraishi N, Kitasako Y, Nikaido T, Nomura S, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Effect of artificial saliva contamination on pH value change and dentin bond strength, Dental Materials 2003; 19(5): 429-434 doi:10.1016/S0109-5641(02)00087-8
  185. Jayasooriya PR, Pereira PNR, Nikaido T, Burrow MF, Tagami J. The effect of a "resin coating" on the interfacial adaptation of composite inlays, Operative Dentistry 2003; 28(1): 28-35
  186. Burrow MF, Bokas J, Tanumiharja M, Tyas MJ. Microtensile bond strengths to caries-affected dentine treated with Carisolv®, Australian Dental Journal 2003; 48(2): 110-114 doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.2003.tb00018.x
  187. Mazzaoui SA, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ, Dashper SG, Eakins D, Reynolds EC. Incorporation of casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate into a glass-ionomer cement, Journal of Dental Research 2003; 82(11): 914-918 doi:10.1177/154405910308201113
  188. Li H, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. The effect of concentration and pH of silver nitrate solution on nanoleakage, Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 2003; 5(1): 19-25
  189. Nikaido T, Cho E, Nakajima M, Tashiro H, Toba S, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Tensile bond strengths of resin cements to bovine dentin using resin coating., American journal of dentistry 2003; 16 Spec No: 41A-46A
  190. Yoshikawa T, Nakaoki Y, Takada T, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Effect of light-curing method and irradiation time on marginal sealing and cavity wall adaptation of resin composite restorations., American journal of dentistry 2003; 16 Spec No: 63A-67A
  191. Sakoolnamarka R, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Interfacial micromorphology of three adhesive systems created in caries-affected dentin, American Journal of Dentistry 2003; 16(3): 202-206
  192. Burrow MF, Nopnakeepong U, Phrukkanon S. A comparison of microtensile bond strengths of several dentin bonding systems to primary and permanent dentin, Dental Materials 2002; 18(3): 239-245 doi:10.1016/S0109-5641(01)00041-0
  193. Kitasako Y, Burrow MF, Nikaido T, Tagami J. Long-term tensile bond durability of two different 4-META containing resin cements to dentin, Dental Materials 2002; 18(3): 276-280 doi:10.1016/S0109-5641(01)00049-5
  194. Tyas MJ, Burrow MF. Three-year clinical evaluation of One-Step in non-carious cervical lesions, American Journal of Dentistry 2002; 15(5): 309-311
  195. Sakoolnamarka R, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Micromorphological study of resin-dentin interface of non-carious cervical lesions, Operative Dentistry 2002; 27(5): 493-499
  196. Tyas MJ, Burrow MF. Clinical evaluation of a resin-modified glass ionomer adhesive system: Results at five years, Operative Dentistry 2002; 27(5): 438-441
  197. Li H, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. The effect of load cycling on the nanoleakage of dentin bonding systems, Dental Materials 2002; 18(2): 111-119 doi:10.1016/S0109-5641(01)00029-X
  198. Nakaoki Y, Nikaido T, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Effect of residual water on dentin bond strength and hybridization of a one-bottle adhesive system, Operative Dentistry 2002; 27(6): 563-568
  199. Shimada Y, Senawongse P, Harnirattisai C, Burrow MF, Nakaoki Y, Tagami J. Bond strength of two adhesive systems to primary and permanent enamel, Operative Dentistry 2002; 27(4): 403-409
  200. Mazzaoui SA, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ, Rooney FR, Capon RJ. Long-term quantification of the release of monomers from dental resin composites and a resin-modified glass ionomer cement, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 2002; 63(3): 299-305 doi:10.1002/jbm.10184
  201. Li H, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. The effect of thermocycling regimens on the nanoleakage of dentin bonding systems, Dental Materials 2002; 18(3): 189-196 doi:10.1016/S0109-5641(01)00081-1
  202. Kubo S, Li H, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Nanoleakage of dentin adhesive systems bonded to carisolv-treated dentin, Operative Dentistry 2002; 27(4): 387-395
  203. Sakoolnamarka R, Burrow MF, Kubo S, Tyas MJ. Morphological study of demineralized dentine after caries removal using two different methods, Australian Dental Journal 2002; 47(2): 116-122 doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.2002.tb00314.x
  204. Akagawa H, Nikaido T, Takada T, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Shear bond strengths to coronal and pulp chamber floor dentin, American Journal of Dentistry 2002; 15(6): 383-388
  205. Kitasako Y, Burrow MF, Nikaido T, Tagami J. Effect of resin-coating technique on dentin tensile bond strengths over 3 years, Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry 2002; 14(2): 115-122 doi:10.1111/j.1708-8240.2002.tb00160.x
  206. Li HP, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. The effect of long-term storage on nanoleakage., Operative dentistry 2001; 26(6): 609-616
  207. Burrow MF, Phrukkanon S, Tyas MJ. Development of a bond test method using very small surface areas, Australian Dental Journal 2001; 46(4 SUPPL.): S5-S6
  208. Kitasako Y, Burrow MF, Katahira N, Nikaido T, Tagami J. Shear bond strengths of three resin cements to dentine over 3 years in vitro, Journal of Dentistry 2001; 29(2): 139-144 doi:10.1016/S0300-5712(00)00058-0
  209. Tyas MJ, Burrow MF. Clinical evaluation of a resin-modified glass ionomer adhesive system--results at three years., Operative dentistry 2001; 26(1): 17-20
  210. Hogan LC, Burrow MF. The microtensile strength of bonding resins, Australian Dental Journal 2001; 46(3): 194-197 doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.2001.tb00281.x
  211. Burrow MF, Burrow JF, Makinson OF. Pits and fissures: Etch resistance in prismless enamel walls, Australian Dental Journal 2001; 46(4): 258-262 doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.2001.tb00289.x
  212. Tanumiharja M, Burrow MF, Cimmino A, Tyas MJ. The evaluation of four conditioners for glass ionomer cements using field-emission scanning electron microscopy, Journal of Dentistry 2001; 29(2): 131-138 doi:10.1016/S0300-5712(00)00056-7
  213. Yoshikawa T, Burrow MF, Tagami J. A light curing method for improving marginal sealing and cavity wall adaptation of resin composite restorations, Dental Materials 2001; 17(4): 359-366 doi:10.1016/S0109-5641(00)00095-6
  214. Yoshikawa T, Burrow MF, Tagami J. The effects of bonding system and light curing method on reducing stress of different C-factor cavities, Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 2001; 3(2): 177-183
  215. Tanumiharja M, Burrow MP, Tyas MJ, Carpenter J. Field-emission scanning electron microscopy of resin-dentin interface morphology of seven dentin adhesive systems, Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 2000; 2(4): 259-269
  216. Sakoolnamarka R, Burrow MP, Prawer S, Tyas MJ. Micromorphological investigation of noncarious cervical lesions treated with demineralizing agents, Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 2000; 2(4): 279-287
  217. Li H, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Nanoleakage patterns of four dentin bonding systems, Dental Materials 2000; 16(1): 48-56 doi:10.1016/S0109-5641(99)00085-8
  218. Tanumiharja M, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Microtensile bond strengths of glass ionomer (polyalkenoate) cements to dentine using four conditioners, Journal of Dentistry 2000; 28(5): 361-366 doi:10.1016/S0300-5712(00)00009-9
  219. Kitasako Y, Burrow MF, Nikaido T, Tagami J. The influence of storage solution on dentin bond durability of resin cement, Dental Materials 2000; 16(1): 1-6 doi:10.1016/S0109-5641(99)00061-5
  220. Li H, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Nanoleakage of cervical restorations of four dentin bonding systems, Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 2000; 2(1): 57-65
  221. Tyas MJ, Burrow MF. Clinical evaluation of EBS dentine bonding agent: One year results, Australian Dental Journal 2000; 45(2): 115-117 doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.2000.tb00250.x
  222. Phrukkanon S, Burrow MF, Hartley PG, Tyas MJ. The influence of the modification of etched bovine dentin on bond strengths, Dental Materials 2000; 16(4): 255-265 doi:10.1016/S0109-5641(00)00015-4
  223. Tanumiharja M, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Microtensile bond strengths of seven dentin adhesive systems, Dental Materials 2000; 16(3): 180-187 doi:10.1016/S0109-5641(00)00007-5
  224. Matthews G, Sudduth B, Burrow M. A non-contact Vital Signs Monitor, Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering 2000; 28(1-2): 173-178 doi:10.1615/CritRevBiomedEng.v28.i12.290
  225. Mazzaoui SA, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Fluoride release from glass ionomer cements and resin composites coated with a dentin adhesive, Dental Materials 2000; 16(3): 166-171 doi:10.1016/S0109-5641(00)00003-8
  226. Yoshikawa T, Sano H, Burrow ME, Tagami J, Pashley DH. Effects of Dentin Depth and Cavity Configuration on Bond Strength, Journal of Dental Research 1999; 78(4): 898-905
  227. Phrukkanon S, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. The effect of dentine location and tubule orientation on the bond strengths between resin and dentine, Journal of Dentistry 1999; 27(4): 265-274 doi:10.1016/S0300-5712(98)00060-8
  228. Nikaido T, Takano Y, Sasafuchi Y, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Bond strengths to endodontically-treated teeth, American Journal of Dentistry 1999; 12(4): 177-180
  229. Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. 1-year clinical evaluation of One-Step in non-carious cervical lesions, American Journal of Dentistry 1999; 12: 283-285
  230. Pereira PNR, Okuda M, Sano H, Yoshikawa T, Burrow MF, Tagami J. Effect of intrinsic wetness and regional difference on dentin bond strength, Dental Materials 1999; 15(1): 46-53 doi:10.1016/S0109-5641(99)00013-5
  231. Burrow MF, Inokoshi S, Tagami J. Water sorption of several bonding resins, American Journal of Dentistry 1999; 12: 295-298
  232. Matthews Gregory S, Sudduth Barry C, Burrow Michael F. Non-contact vital signs monitor, Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering 1998; 26(5): 330-331
  233. Phrukkanon S, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Effect of cross-sectional surface area on bond strengths between resin and dentin, Dental Materials 1998; 14(2): 120-128 doi:10.1016/S0109-5641(98)00018-9
  234. Sano H, Kanemura N, Burrow MF, Inai N, Yamada T, Tagami J. Effect of Operator Variability on Dentin Adhesion: Students vs. Dentists, Dental Materials Journal 1998; 17(1): 51-58
  235. Pereira PNR, Yamada T, Inokoshi S, Burrow MF, Sano H, Tagami J. Adhesion of resin-modified glass ionomer cements using resin bonding systems, Journal of Dentistry 1998; 26(5-6): 479-485 doi:10.1016/S0300-5712(97)00059-6
  236. Phrukkanon S, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Bonding of amalgam and a gallium alloy to bovine dentin, Operative Dentistry 1998; 23(4): 195-202
  237. Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. Clinical evaluation of a resin-modified glass-ionomer adhesive system, Operative Dentistry 1998; 23(6): 290-293
  238. Phrukkanon S, Burrow MF, Tyas MJ. The influence of cross-sectional shape and surface area on the microtensile bond test, Dental Materials 1998; 14(3): 212-221 doi:10.1016/S0109-5641(98)00034-7
  239. Jacobs GJ, Calvert CA, Eades S, Burrow MF. Transmission and interpretation of cardiac medical images using a desktop audiovisual teleconferencing system, Journal of Veterinary Medical Education 1997; 24(2): 56-62
  240. Rawlings CA, Roberts R, Jacobs G, McCall J, Brown J, Burrow M. Comparison of thoracic radiographs with images transmitted via advanced telecommunications equipment, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 1997; 211(10): 1245-1248
  241. Jacobs GJ, Cornelius L, Sherding R, Calvert CA, Eades S, Burrow MF. Interpretation of endoscopic images of the gastrointestinal tract following electronic transmission using an interactive videoconferencing system, Journal of Veterinary Medical Education 1997; 24(2): 52-55
  242. Burrow MF, Satoh M, Tagami J. Dentin bond durability after three years using a dentin bonding agent with and without priming., Dental materials : official publication of the Academy of Dental Materials 1996; 12(5): 302-307 doi:10.1016/S0109-5641(96)80038-8
  243. Burrow MF, Nikaido T, Satoh M, Tagami J. Early bonding of resin cements to dentin - Effect of bonding environment, Operative Dentistry 1996; 21(5): 196-202
  244. Burrow MF, Sano H, Nakajima M, Harada N, Tagami J. Bond strength to crown and root dentin, American Journal of Dentistry 1996; 9(5): 223-229
  245. Nikaido T, Kataumi M, Burrow MF, Inokoshi S, Yamada T, Takatsu T. Bond strengths of resin to enamel and dentin treated with low-pressure air abrasion, Operative Dentistry 1996; 21(5): 218-224
  246. Inokoshi S, Burrow MF, Kataumi M, Yamada T, Takatsu T. Opacity and color changes of tooth-colored restorative materials, Operative Dentistry 1996; 21(2): 73-80
  247. Nakajima M, Sano H, Burrow MF, Tagami J, Yoshiyama M, Ebisu S, Ciucchi B, Russell CM, Pashley DH. Tensile bond strength and SEM evaluation of caries-affected dentin using dentin adhesives., Journal of dental research 1995; 74(10): 1679-1688 doi:10.1177/00220345950740100901
  248. Burrow MF, Taniguchi Y, Nikaido T, Satoh M, Inai N, Tagami J, Takatsu T. Influence of temperature and relative humidity on early bond strengths to dentine, Journal of Dentistry 1995; 23(1): 41-45 doi:10.1016/0300-5712(95)90659-6
  249. Shimada Y, Harnirattisai C, Inokoshi S, Burrow MF, Takatsu T. In vivo adhesive interface between resin and dentin., Operative dentistry 1995; 20(5): 204-210
  250. Takatsu T, Sano H, Burrow MF. Treatment and prognosis of a vertically fractured maxillary molar with widely separated segments: a case report., Quintessence international (Berlin, Germany : 1985) 1995; 26(7): 479-484
  251. Sano H, Yoshiyama M, Ebisu S, Burrow MF, Takatsu T, Ciucchi B, Carvalho R, Pashley DH. Comparative SEM and TEM observations of nanoleakage within the hybrid layer., Operative dentistry 1995; 20(4): 160-167
  252. Nikaido T, Burrow MF, Tagami J, Takatsu T. Effect of pulpal pressure on adhesion of resin composite to dentin: bovine serum versus saline., Quintessence international 1995; 26(3): 221-226
  253. Kitasako Y, Burrow MF, Nikaido T, Harada N, Inokoshi S, Yamada T, Takatsu T. Shear and tensile bond testing for resin cement evaluation, Dental Materials 1995; 11(5-6): 298-304 doi:10.1016/0109-5641(95)80024-7
  254. Nikaido T, Yamada T, Koh Y, Burrow MF, Takatsu T. Effect of air-powder polishing on adhesion of bonding systems to tooth substrates, Dental Materials 1995; 11(4): 258-264 doi:10.1016/0109-5641(95)80059-X
  255. Burrow MF, Takakura H, Nakajima M, Inai N, Tagami J, Takatsu T. The influence of age and depth of dentin on bonding, Dental Materials 1994; 10(4): 241-246 doi:10.1016/0109-5641(94)90068-X
  256. Burrow MF, Tagami J, Negishi T, Nikaido T, Hosoda H. Early tensile bond strengths of several enamel and dentin bonding systems., Journal of Dental Research 1994; 73(2): 522-528 doi:10.1177/00220345940730020701
  257. Burrow MF, Tagami J, Hosoda H. The long term durability of bond strengths to dentin., The Bulletin of Tokyo Medical and Dental University 1993; 40(4): 173-191
  258. Burrow MF, Hayashida M, Negishi T, Nikaido T, Tagami J, Takatsu T, Hosoda H. Tensile bond strength and curing gap formation of a dentin bonding resin., Dental materials journal 1993; 12(2): 97-105
  259. Tagami J, Hosoda H, Burrow MF, Nakajima M. Effect of aging and caries on dentin permeability., Proceedings of the Finnish Dental Society. Suomen Hammaslaakariseuran toimituksia 1992; 88 Suppl 1: 149-154
  260. Rohr M, Makinson OF, Burrow MF. Pits and fissures: morphology., ASDC journal of dentistry for children 1991; 58(2): 97-103
  261. Burrow MF, Makinson OF. Color change in light-cured resins exposed to daylight., Quintessence international 1991; 22(6): 447-452
  262. Burrow MF, Makinson OF. Pits and fissures: remnant organic debris after acid-etching., ASDC journal of dentistry for children 1990; 57(5): 348-351
Conference Paper
  1. YUN J, Tsui KH, Fan Z, Burrow MF, Matinlinna JP, Wang Y, Fok A, Tsoi KH. Biomimetic Approach to Evaluate Mineralization of BAG-Containing Resin Composite, Dental Materials 2022; 38: e43-e43 doi:10.1016/
  2. DING H, CHEN Y, Burrow MF, Tsoi KH. Dental Crown Design Using Artificial Intelligence (AI): Is It Feasible?, IADR/APR 2022 2022;
  3. Mahmoudi Meimand N, Burrow MF, Tsoi KH, Cho K. Experimental investigation on fluorinated UDMA as a BPA free dental resin composite, 2022;
  4. Tsoi JKH, Ding H, Burrow MF, Fok A, Wang W . Premolar and molar crown generation using 3D-GAN method, Academy of Dental Materials Annual Meeting (28/09/2022-01/10/2022, Athens) 2022;
  5. YUN J, Tsui KH, Fan Z, Burrow MF, Matinlinna JP, Wang Y, Fok A, Tsoi KH. Biomimetic Approach to Evaluate Mineralization of BAG-Containing Resin Composite, 2021 Academy of Dental Materials (ADM) Annual Meeting 2021;
  6. Hamama HHHE, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF. Bonding of Calcium Silicate-based Restorative Material to Dentine, IADR/AADR/CADR 2017 General Session & Exhibition 2017;
  7. Zhao IS, Mei L, Burrow MF, Chu CH. Mechanisms of silver diamine fluoride on arresting caries: a literature review, Asia Pacific Dental Congress (APDC) 2017; 196-196
  8. Zhao IS, Mei L, Burrow MF, Lo ECM, Chu CH. Shear-bond-strength And Remineralisation-effect Of CPPACP-modified Glass-ionomer To Artificial Caries-affected Dentine, International Association for Dental Research South East Asian Division Meeting (IADR-SEA) 2017; S0034-S0034
  9. Chu CH, Zhao IS, Lo ECM, Mei L, Burrow MF. Silver-diamine-fluoride and potassium iodide on secondary caries prevention and discolouration, International Dental Journal 2017; 67(Suppl. 1): 113, abstract no. P169-113, abstract no. P169
  10. Zhao IS, Mei L, Burrow MF, Lo ECM, Chu CH. Secondary caries prevention using silver-diamine-fluoride treatment and CPP-ACP-modified glass-ionomer cement, IADR/AADR/CADR 2017 General Session & Exhibition 2017;
  11. Tian T, Burrow MF, Tsoi KH, Matinlinna J. Long-term evaluation of bond strength of CAD/CAM ceramics to resin cement, General Session of the International Association for Dental Research, IADR 2016 2016;
  12. Yiu CKY, Daood U, Burrow MF, Tay FRCM. Effect of quaternary ammonium silanes cavity disinfectant on dentin bonding, Journal of Dental Research 2015; 94(Spec Iss A)
  13. Hamama HHHE, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF. Effect of silver diamine fluoride and potassium iodide on residual bacteria in dentinal tubules, Journal of Dental Research 2015; 94(Spec Iss A)
  14. Tian T, Burrow MF, Tsoi KH, Matinlinna JP. Weibull analysis of ceramic-resin bonding using two specimen testing substrates, Journal of Dental Research 2014; 93(Special issue B: abstract no. 302)
  15. Kwan PHS, Chu DJ, Epasinghe DJ, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF. Synergistic effect of proanthocyanidin and tri-calcium phosphate on dentine remineralization, Journal of Dental Research 2014; 93(Spec Iss C): IP_012-IP_012
  16. Burrow MF, Hamama HHHE, Yiu CKY. Effect of Dentine Conditioning on Adhesion of RM-Glass Ionomer Cements, Journal of Dental Research 2013; 92(Special Issue A)
  17. Hamama HHHE, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF. Viability of intra-tubular bacteria following chemomechanical caries removal methods, Journal of Dental Research 2013; 92(Special Issue A)
  18. Nguyen K, Wong R, Palamara J, Burrow MF. Sealing Ability of Direct Adhesive Restorations in Posterior Teeth, Journal of Dental Research 2013; 92(Special Issue A)
  19. Epasinghe DJ, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF. Synergistic effect of proanthocyanidin and CPP-ACFP on root caries remineralisation, Journal of Dental Research 2013; 92(Special Issue A)
  20. Tian T, Burrow MF, Tsoi KH, Matinlinna JP. Evaluation of Ceramic-resin Bonding Using Two Specimen Bonding Substrates, The 2nd Meeting of the International Association of Dental Research - Asia Pacific Region (IADR-APR 2013 2013;
  21. Hamama H, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF. Meta-analysis of prospective randomized clinical trials on chemomechanical caries removal, CED-IADR Firenze Meeting 2013 2013;
  22. Epasinghe DJ, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF, Tsoi KH. Effect of flavonoids on biomodification of demineralized dentine, HKU Faculty of Dentistry 2013 Annual Scientific Meeting 2013;
  23. Chu D, Kwan S, Epasinghe DJ, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF, Mei L. Synergistic effect of proanthocyanidin and TCP on root caries remineralization, Annual Scientific Meeting of the Faculty of Dentistry, the University of Hong Kong 2013;
  24. Hamama H, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF. Evaluation of fracture patterns following microtensile bond strength testing using polarized light microscopy, HKU Faculty of Dentistry 2013 Annual Scientific Meeting 2013;
  25. Tian T, Burrow MF, Tsoi KH, Matinlinna JP. Microtensile bond strength between ceramic and resin using two specimen bonding substrates, Asian Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Composite Materials in Dentistry, ASFRCMD 2013 2013;
  26. Burrow MF. Attrition and erosion: restorative planning and performance, Annals of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons 2012; 21: 97-100
  27. Epasinghe DJ, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF, King NM. Anti-collagenolytic activity of proanthocyanidin, International Dental Journal 2012; 62(suppl. 1): 3-3 doi:10.1111/j.1875-595X.2012.00133.x
  28. Hamama HH, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF. Bonding of Resin-modified glass ionomer-based adhesive to dentine, International Dental Journal 2012; 62(suppl. 1): 70-70 doi:10.1111/j.1875-595X.2012.00136.x
  29. Yiu CKY, Epasinghe DJ, Burrow MF. Effect of proanthocyanidin incorporation on mechanical properties of adhesive resin, Journal of Dental Research 2012; 91(Special Issue C)
  30. Hamama H, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF. Effect of enzymatic-based chemomechanical caries removal on dentine bonding., Journal of Dental Research 2012; 91(Special Issue C)
  31. Epasinghe DJ, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF. Effects of Flavonoids on Artificial Root Caries Remineralization, Journal of Dental Research 2012; 91(Special Issue C: abstract no. 169219)
  32. Burrow MF. Management of early caries lesions - the available strategies, 3M Dental SAIJ Symposium 2012;
  33. Hamama HHHE, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF, King NM. Chemical, morphological and microhardness dentinal changes after chemomechanical caries removal, Journal of Dental Research 2011; 90(Spe. Iss. B)
  34. Hamama HHHE, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF, King NM. Chemical, morphological and microhardness dentinal changes after chemomechanical caries removal, HKU-SU (Sichuan University) Conjoint Scientific Meeting 2011 2011; Dec 2011: P9-P9
  35. Epasinghe DJ, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF, King NM. The inhibitory effect of proanthocyanidin on soluble and matrix-bound MMPs and cysteine cathepsins, HKU-SU (Sichuan University) Conjoint Scientific Meeting 2011 2011; P10-P10
  36. Hamama HHHE, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF, King NM. Chemical, morphological, and microhardness changes of dentin after chemomechanical caries removal, Conjoint meeting with University of West China School of Stomatology 2011;
  37. Burrow MF. Dentine adhesives, current issues and their future prospects: The Australian perspective, International Congress of Adhesive Dentistry, 2011 2011; 81-81
Book Chapter
  1. Burrow MF, Stacey MA. Management of Cavitated Root Caries Lesions: Minimum Intervention and Alternatives . Root Caries: From Prevalence to Therapy. Basel, Switzerland: Karger; 2017:: 106-114.
  2. Burrow MF. Dental composites for tooth repair and replacement . Non-metallic Biomaterials for Tooth Repair and Replacement. Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing; 2013:233-269.
Honours and Awards
  1. 2016. Burrow MF, Leung WK, WEI Chenxuan, Botelho MG. Proteomic evaluating salivary acquired pellicle on restorative material surfaces: 2016 IADR Heraeus Kulzer Travel Award and 1st runner's up IADR-SEA Unilever Hatton Division Award, 30th Annual Scientific Meeting (2016) of the International Association for Dental Research.
  2. 2012. HAMAMA Hamdi Hosni Hamdan Eldesouki, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF. Best Paper Award in Cariology Research/Mineralized Tissue Research. Effect of enzymatic-based chemomechanical caries removal on dentine bonding.: 26th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Association for Dental Research, South East Asia, Singapore.
  3. 2011. EPASINGHE Don Jeevanie, Tay FRCM, King NM, Yiu CKY, Burrow MF. Best Paper Award in Dental Materials – Laboratory Research: 25th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Association for Dental Research, South East Asia, Singapore.
  1. 2021: Section Editor. Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics.
Professional Societies
  1. 2018-present: Member and Organising Committee. ConsAsia.
  2. 2017-present: Member. IADR Cariology Group.
  3. 10/1997-present: Member. Internation College of Dentists.
  4. 07/1995-07/2012; 2014-present: Member. Aust Dental Assn.
  5. 07/1995-00/0000: Member. Internat'l Assn Dental Research.
  6. 04/1994-2016: Member. Academy of Dental Materials.
  7. 03/2011-present: Fellow and Member. RACDS.
  8. 01/1997-00/0000: Member. IADR Dental Materials Group.
  1. Project Title: Effectiveness of a Home Care Ultrasonic Cleaner Combined with Immersion in Peroxide-based Cleanser in the Mitigation of Respiratory Pathogens on Dentures of Institutionalised Elderly: A Randomised Controlled Clinical Trial
    Grant Type: General Research Fund (GRF) 2024/25
    Funding Year: 2024
    Amount: HKD974145
    Principal Investigator: Professor Lim, Tong Wah
    Co-investigator(s): Professor McGrath Colman, Professor Kwok Wang Chun, Professor Burrow Michael Francis, Professor Huang Shi, Mohd Dom Tuti Ningseh
  2. Project Title: Using novel monomers to create a BPA free universal resin filling material.
    Grant Type: General Research Fund (GRF)
    Funding Year: 2020
    Amount: HKD744220
    Principal Investigator: Professor Burrow, Michael Francis
    Co-investigator(s): Professor Tsoi Kit Hon, Professor Matinlinna Jukka Pekka, Dr He Jingwei
  3. Project Title: 3D printed dental implants with anti-biofouling surface
    Grant Type: Seed Fund for PI Research – Translational and Applied Research
    Funding Year: 2020
    Amount: HKD150000
    Principal Investigator: Dr Neelakantan, Prasanna
    Co-investigator(s): Dr Tsoi Kit Hon, Professor Burrow Michael Francis, Professor Su Yuxiong, Dr Pow Edmond Ho Nang, Dr Chu Zhiqin
  4. Project Title: Dental Haptics - Learner Cognition and Curriculum Innovation - A Hong Kong Study
    Grant Type: General Research Fund (GRF)
    Funding Year: 2014
    Amount: HKD778568
    Principal Investigator: Dr Bridges, Susan Margaret
    Co-investigator(s): Professor Burrow Michael Francis, Dr Poolton Jamie Matthew, Professor Masters Richard Stanley William
  5. Project Title: Evaluating Biomimetic Qualities of a Modified Glass Ionomer Cement
    Grant Type: General Research Fund (GRF)
    Funding Year: 2013
    Amount: HKD698282
    Principal Investigator: Professor Chu, Chun Hung
    Co-investigator(s): Professor Reynolds Eric, Emeritus Professor Samaranayake Lakshman Perera, Professor Burrow Michael Francis
Invited Lectures and Keynote Speeches
  1. 01 June 2013: Hong Kong College of Dental Surgeons, MGD training programme and HKDA - lecture series - 3 lectures. HKDA and HKCDS.
  2. 01 June 2013: Management and Philosophy of Early Dental Caries. Inter'l Assoc of Pediatric Dentistry.
  3. 01 December 2012: Preservation and Conservation - how dental caries management is changing. Chiang Mai University 40th Anniversary Meeting.
  4. 01 June 2012: Faculty Pearl Jubilee/World Dental Forum II: Management of early caries lesions. .
  5. 01 June 2012: Management of early caries lesions - the available strategies. 3M Dental SAIJ Symposium.
  6. 01 May 2012: Attrition and Erosion: Restorative Planning and Performance. Annals of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons
    ISSN: 0158-1570.
  7. 01 August 2011: Innovation in MI Concepts: Scope of CPP-ACP. .
  8. 01 April 2011: Dentine adhesives, current issues and their future prospects – ?The Australian perspective. Korean Assn for Adhesive Dentistry.
  9. 01 April 2011: The clinical evidence for successful bonding procedures – can it work also for the badly broken down tooth?. Faculty of Dentistry HKU and Shenzhen Continuing Dental Education.
  10. 01 March 2011: The clinical evidence for successful bonding procedures – can it work also for the badly broken down tooth?. Hong Kong Dental Association.
  11. 01 December 2010: The clinical evidence for successful bonding procedures – can it also work for the badly broken down tooth?. Quintessence Int'l Symposium, Sydney Aus.
  12. 01 July 2010: Does amalgam still have a future. Aust Dental Assn, Victorian Branch.
  13. 01 April 2010: Enhancing the Remineralizing Potential of Glass Ionomer Cements. University of Melbourne.
HKU Committee Appointments
  1. 01 July 2024-Present: Careers and Placement Committee. Five members, from amongst professoriate and non-professoriate teaching staff of the University nominated by Faculty Deans, appointed by the Senate for one year at a time
  2. 19 April 2017-18 April 2021: Faculty of Dentistry, Board of the. The teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
  3. 09 August 2010-08 August 2014: Faculty of Dentistry, Board of the. The teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
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