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Professor Tarce, Mihai  portrait
Faculty Staff
Professor Tarce, Mihai
BDS, MEng Software (Romania); MSc Perio, PhD (KU Leuven)
General Information
Clinical Assistant Professor in Periodontology & Implant Dentistry
Periodontology & Implant Dentistry
Phone Number
2859 0424
Research Theme
Clinical Artificial Intelligence
Areas of Research Expertise
AI-assisted treatment planning
Digital workflows in implant dentistry
Bone augmentation
Peri-implant disease
Advanced Sorting
  1. Tarce Mihai, Becker Kathrin, Lahoud Pierre, Shujaat Sohaib, Jacobs Reinhilde, Quirynen Marc . Non‐invasive oral implant position assessment: An ex vivo study using a 3D industrial scan as the reference model to mimic the clinical situation, Clinical Oral Implants Research 2023; doi:10.1111/clr.14206
  2. Tarce Mihai, de Greef Alexander, Lahoud Pierre, de Faria Vasconcelos Karla, Jacobs Reinhilde, Quirynen Marc. The impact of implant-related characteristics on dental implant blooming: An in vitro study, Clinical Oral Implants Research 2022; 33(12): 1199-1211 doi:10.1111/clr.14002
  3. Dhondt Rutger, Quirynen Marc, Tarce Mihai, Teughels Wim, Temmerman Andy, Jacobs Reinhilde. The accuracy of probing, ultrasound and cone-beam CT scans for determining the buccal bone plate dimensions around oral implants – A systematic review, Journal of Periodontal Research 2022; 57(4): 754-767 doi:10.1111/jre.12998
  4. Tarce Mihai, Merheb Joe, Meeus Marc, de Faria Vasconcelos Karla, Quirynen Marc. Surgical guides for guided bone augmentation: An in vitro study, Clinical Oral Implants Research 2022; 33(5): 558-567 doi:10.1111/clr.13916
  5. Teughels Wim, Celik Gizem Unal, Tarce Mihai, De Cock Ine, Persyn Sara M., Haytac Mehmet C.. The effect of choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid in patients with peri-implantitis: an exploratory randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study, BMC Oral Health 2021; 21(1): article no. 485-article no. 485 doi:10.1186/s12903-021-01817-4
  6. Castro Ana, Cortellini Simone, De Greef Alexander, Oud Valérie, Rodríguez Fabio, Sanaan Bahoz, Siawasch Manoetjer, Sidiropoulou Nina, Tarce Mihai, Wylleman Astrid, Quirynen Marc, Temmerman Andy, Teughels Wim. Tooth loss: a family affair?, JCP Digest 2020;
  7. Vanderstuyft Tony, Tarce Mihai, Sanaan Bahoz, Jacobs Reinhilde, de Faria Vasconcelos Karla, Quirynen Marc. Inaccuracy of buccal bone thickness estimation on cone-beam CT due to implant blooming: An ex-vivo study, Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2019; 46(11): 1134-1143 doi:10.1111/jcpe.13183
  8. Castro Ana, De Greef Alexander, Oud Valérie, Sanaan Bahoz, Tarce Mihai, Temmerman Andy, Vanderstuyft Tony, Quirynen Marc, Teughels Wim. Peri-implant marginal tissues in chronic-periodontitis patients, JCP Digest 2018;
  9. Apaza-Bedoya K., Tarce M., Benfatti C. A.M., Henriques B., Mathew M. T., Teughels W., Souza J. C.M.. Synergistic interactions between corrosion and wear at titanium-based dental implant connections: A scoping review, Journal of Periodontal Research 2017; 52(6): 946-954 doi:10.1111/jre.12469
  10. Carmagnola Daniela, Tarce Mihai, Dellavia Claudia, Rimondini Lia, Varoni Elena M.. Engineered scaffolds and cell-based therapy for periodontal regeneration, Journal of Applied Biomaterials and Functional Materials 2017; 15(4): e303-e312 doi:10.5301/jabfm.5000389
  11. Barbieri C., Pinotti R., Tarce M., Decani S.. Fattori determinanti e influenzanti la ritenzione in protesi totale, Dental Cadmos 2014; 82(7): 473-495 doi:10.1016/S0011-8524(14)70203-X
  12. Adamo D., Mignogna M. D., Sardella A., Tarce M.. I dolori facciali cronici: sindrome della bocca che brucia (BMS) e dolore facciale idiopatico persistente (PIFP), Dental Cadmos 2013; 81(6): 332-342 doi:10.1016/S0011-8524(13)70061-8
  13. Tarce M., Barbieri C., Sardella A.. Atypical odontalgia: An up-to-date view, Minerva Stomatologica 2013; 62(5): 163-181
  14. Delia Simone, Passera Davide, Tarce Mihai, Celestino Silvio. Gestire il paziente in terapia con anticoagulanti orali, DentalClinics 2012; 6(1): 41-47
  15. Carrassi Antonio, Delia Simone, Tarce Mihai, Passera Davide, Rossi Vincent. La promozione della salute orale: stile di vita, politiche sanitarie e formazione professionale, DentalClinics 2012; 6(2): 30-39
  16. Varoni E., Tarce M., Lodi G., Carrassi A.. Chlorhexidine (CHX) in dentistry: state of the art, Minerva stomatologica 2012; 61(9): 399-419
  17. Burcǎ M., Lucaciu I., Gliţa S., Tarce Mihai. The automation of heat exchanger making tube plate-bolt subassembly, Metalurgia Internațional 2009; 14(S2): 151-154
Conference Paper
  1. Dig Danny, Tarce Mihai, Radoi Cosmin, Minea Marius, Johnson Ralph. Relooper: Refactoring for Loop Parallelism in Java, Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGPLAN Conference Companion on Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages and Applications 2009; 793-794 doi:10.1145/1639950.1640018
  1. Tarce Adriana, Dalai Camelia, Dalai Ciprian, Tarce Mihai. Proteza scheletată - Note de curs. Oradea, România: Editura Universității din Oradea.; 2011.
  1. 2022: Clinical Oral Investigations. Clinical Oral Investigations.
Professional Societies
  1. 09/2023 - present: Member. Hong Kong Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry (HKSPID).
  2. 08/2016 - present: Member. Belgian Society of Periodontology.
  3. 08/2015 - present: Member. International Team for Implantology (ITI).
  4. 01/2023 - present: Member. Hong Kong Dental Association (HKDA).
HKU Committee Appointments
  1. 19 December 2022-Present: Faculty of Dentistry, Board of the. The teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
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