World Oral Health Day
HKU Dentistry World Oral Health Day 2022 Online Quiz
World Oral Health Day 2022

Be Proud of Your Mouth

To enhance public understanding of oral health diseases prevention, the FDI designates 20 March each year as World Oral Health Day. This year, the theme is Be Proud of Your Mouth. Oral Health plays a key role in our daily life. Maintaining good oral health can bring positive impacts to our physical and mental well-being and improve our quality of life.

Marking her 40th Anniversary in 2022, HKU Faculty of Dentistry organises a multilingual online quiz along with the yearly World Oral Health Day to engage the public to enhance oral hygiene knowledge.

250 Winners are awarded

The List of Winners

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Oral Hygiene In Daily Life

Oral Health Information

Starting from 4 March 2022, the Faculty will release 4 sections of oral health information on the website in 4 consecutive weeks.

A Balanced Low-Sugar Diet

Eating Habits

Eating excessive amounts of sugar from snacks, processed foods and drinks not only cause tooth decay, but leads to obesity and increases the risks of diabetes. To safeguard our oral health, you can:

Aware of Daily Sugar Intake
Be Aware of Daily Sugar Intake
  • Sugar intake in one day
    Adult: No more than six teaspoons
    Children: No more than three teaspoons

Drink More Water, Take Less Sugar
Drink More Water, Take Less Sugar
  • Avoid sugary drinks, such as soda, juice, energy and sports drinks

  • Consuming sugary and acidic drinks regularly will damage your teeth

Eat More Fruits & Vegetables, Fewer Snacks
Eat More Fruits & Vegetables, Fewer Snacks
  • Do not frequently eat sugary snacks, especially between meals

  • Taking sugar throughout the day increases the risk of developing tooth decay

Develop a good toothbrushing habit

Clean Your Teeth

We have to keep our teeth thoroughly clean by brushing them twice a day, and it can help us prevent oral diseases. To prevent oral diseases, you can:

Brush Your Teeth in the Morning and before Bed at Night
Brush Your Teeth at Morning & before Sleep at Night
  • Gently move the brush in tiny circles for two minutes

  • Remember to brush all sides of your teeth, including the outside, the inside, and the chewing surfaces

  • Do not snack after brushing your teeth at night

Develop Flossing Habit
Develop a Flossing Habit
  • Floss at least once a day

  • Regular cleaning helps to dislodge food in the interdental spaces

  • Remove the plaque along the gum line to reduce the chance of gum diseases and bad breath

Choose the Type of Toothpaste & Toothbrush that Suits You
Choose the Type of Toothpaste & Toothbrush that Suits You
  • Use a fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush

  • Replace your toothbrush every three months

Prevent Oral Health Diseases

Healthy Lifestyle

We can prevent oral diseases, maintain good health and reduce the risks of getting other systemic diseases and cancer by building healthy habits. To develop healthy habits, you can:

Avoid Smoking
Avoid Smoking
  • Having tobacco in any form (smoking or smokeless) will increase the risk of developing oral diseases and oral cancer

Reduce Alcohol Intake
Reduce Alcohol Intake
  • Long-term alcoholic consumption may erode your teeth and lead to tooth decay as it is acidic and contains large amount of sugar

Clean Your Teeth Frequently
Clean Your Teeth Frequently
  • Drinking water or chewing sugar-free gum can help keep your mouth clean in addition to toothbrushing

Dental check-up on a regular basis

Visit Your Dentist

Regular dental check-up is vital to maintain good oral health. Dentists can examine our mouth and teeth and advise how to improve our oral health. Having a dental check-up every six months, dentists will:

Visit Dentist Biannually
Visit Dentist Biannually
  • Educate you how to improve your dental health and maintain good oral hygiene habits

Necessary Treatments & Referrals
Necessary Treatments & Referrals
  • Provide necessary treatments and referrals for specific oral health problems, such as severe periodontal diseases or cysts

Message from Supporters

Join the Quiz on 25 March

  • Dr Wong Tin Chun

    Dr Wong Tin Chun

    Former President
    of FDI World Dental Federation

    Watch Video
  • Dr Cheung Wai Man William

    Dr Cheung Wai Man William

    Chairman of the Education Committee
    of FDI World Dental Federation

    Watch Video
  • Prof. Thomas Flemmig

    Prof. Thomas Flemmig

    Dean of Faculty of Dentistry
    of The University of Hong Kong

    Watch Video
  • Dr Hui Ting Hang Alfred

    Dr Hui Ting Hang Alfred

    & Alumnus (2012)

    Watch Video
  • Navya Kapoor

    Navya Kapoor

    BDS Year 4 Student
    HKU Faculty of Dentistry

    Watch Video
Top 250 Entries can Win

Fabulous Prizes

Fabulous Prizes
Top 10 Grand Prize

Top 10 entries who answer all the questions correctly can win:

  • A Philips Sonicare Electric Toothbrush
  • $50 Starbucks Digital Voucher
Consolation Prize

The following 240 entries can win:

  • $50 Starbucks Digital Voucher
Learn about oral hygiene & win a prize

Don't Miss It


1 APRIL 2022

Result Announcement
  • The list of winners and correct answers will be announced on the website on 8 April 2022
  • Top 10 winners will be informed via email for the prize collection (Sonicare toothbrush)
  • All digital vouchers will be delivered through email by 30 April 2022
Terms and Conditions
  • The online quiz opens for public.
  • Each participant can only submit the answers once only.
  • Only entries with all quiz questions answered correctly can win the prizes. The sequence of entries is subject to the system time.
  • All participants shall fill the correct information; all information is only for the purpose of this online quiz and will be destroyed 3 months after the quiz ends.
  • HKU Faculty of Dentistry will not be responsible for any incorrect, malfunctioning or undeliverable email provided by a participant.
  • Digital voucher will be delivered through email, and the top 10 winners will be notified via email about the price collection.
  • In case of any dispute, HKU Faculty of Dentistry reserves the right to make the final decision, and the participants shall not have any objection.
  • HKU Faculty of Dentistry reserves the right to change any of its terms and conditions.
  • By participating the online quiz, all participants agree to these terms and conditions.
  • These terms and conditions have been translated into English. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the Chinese and English version, the Chinese version shall prevail.
Oral Health Information Resource

World Oral Health Day

appreciate the contributions

Special Thanks

Product Sponsor
Philips Logo
Blossomium Illustration Logo
Hindi Translation

Ms Navya Kapoor
BDS Year 4 Student
