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Master of Dental Surgery in Implant Dentistry
Taught postgraduate programmes offered by the Faculty
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Taught Postgraduate Programmes
Course Aims
The MDS curriculum in Implant Dentistry is designed for dentists who want to reach specialist level competence within implant dentistry. Upon completion of the programme, the graduates will have the skills and competences to independently undertake the planning and execution of advanced and complex patient treatments with dental implants.
The programme has a solid and broad academic basis and extends to cover the biological basis as well as surgical and restorative aspects of implant dentistry. Theoretical knowledge and clinical competence is achieved through a wide array of teaching methods, which include adequate supervised clinical work, prescribed coursework, clinical seminars, research seminars, and case-based learning. Moreover, training in clinical or laboratory research related to implant dentistry and a supervised research project are included in the programme.
Taught Postgraduate Programmes
Course Syllabus
The coursework will enable the student:
  • To acquire a knowledge of the literature relevant to implant dentistry and related fields such as biology, periodontology, prosthodontics and occlusion;
  • To acquire basic scientific skills;
  • To develop a scientific approach to patient treatment;
  • To learn to assess and evaluate the quality of scientific articles; and
  • To learn how to implement scientific evidence in treatment planning.
Furthermore, the programme will enable the student to acquire the necessary skills in diagnosis and treatment planning, in implant installation, in prosthetic reconstruction, and in maintenance of the implant patient. Moreover, the diagnosis, prevention, and management of biological and technical complications are to be mastered.
In addition, the student will acquire familiarity with related dental and medical disciplines, as well as the biomedical sciences relevant to implant dentistry.
The course will include oral and written examinations of clinical and research findings as well as a research project to be planned, conducted, and subsequently analysed and presented as a written thesis or a publishable manuscript to a committee including the External Examiner.
Taught Postgraduate Programmes
Application and Enquiries
Mode of Attendance
FT (3 years)
Entrance Requirements
  1. A BDS degree of this University or an equivalent qualification.
  2. Minimum of 2 years’ clinical experience in general practice.
Closing Date for Application Form: This programme is not offered in 2023-2024.
Regulations and Syllabuses
Online Application
Composition Fee
Acting Programme Director
Dr. George Pelekos
Fax: (852) 2858 7874 / E-mail:
General Enquiries
Miss Hazel Leung
Fax: (852) 2517 0544 / E-mail:
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The Faculty of Dentistry at The University of Hong Kong is the premier dental school in Southeast Asia and the only institution in Hong Kong that provides undergraduate and postgraduate dental degrees.
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