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The first institution outside Europe to gain international recognition
HKU Periodontology postgraduate programme receives European Federation of Periodontology accreditation
(21 January 2020 – Hong Kong) The Master of Dental Surgery (MDS) (Periodontology) programme of the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) has received European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) accreditation.
The Faculty is the first outside Europe to have received accreditation from EFP. There are now 16 EFP-accredited programmes in 12 countries: Belgium (2), France (2), Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel (2), Italy, Netherlands, Spain (2), Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.
Director of the programme, HKU Clinical Professor in Periodontology Maurizio Tonetti said they are delighted and proud to meet the EFP standards for specialist training. He said: “Over half of the burden of periodontitis affects populations in this region of the world and we are committed to training the leaders required to meet this challenge. I am very pleased that the EFP is supporting us in our vision and look forward to fruitful exchanges with the other programmes.”
The three-year programme seeks to nurture clinical and academic specialists in periodontology. Students spend 40% of their time in supervised patient care at specialist level, 30% in teaching and learning, and 30% in research. The clinical studies are conducted at the Faculty’s Institute of Advanced Dentistry Multi-Specialty Clinic.
Professor Tonetti added: “Besides the important recognition of the international standards of the program, and thanks to the harmonization of the curriculum and of the final examination that is conducted with an EFP appointed external examiner, graduates also receive a certificate of completion of specialist training in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry from the EFP. ”
The first EFP certificate will be awarded to the 2020 graduating class. As EFP alumni, the graduates will have access to exclusive opportunities of exchange and continuing professional development together with their peers all over the world. In Hong Kong, the MDS programme remains the foundation necessary to continue the path leading to specialist registration in the territory.
HKU Clinical Assistant Professor in Periodontology and programme co-director Dr George Pelekos said: “Achievements of this magnitude are the fruits of excellent teamwork and dedication of the students and the whole team.”
Chairman of the Periodontology Specialty Board at the HK Academy of Medicine and HKU Clinical Professor in Periodontology Professor WK Leung also said: “This accomplishment is part of our commitment in enhancing the health of the population in Hong Kong and beyond and facilitate development of the specialty.”
Professor Lijian Jin, HKU Clinical Professor in Periodontology and FDI World Dental Federation and The International Association for Dental Research council member remarked: “This is an example of the critical global leadership role that the Periodontology team plays in the promotion of oral health and the potential to transform standards in this region of the world.”
Other full-time teachers of the Programme include Dr Dominic Ho and Dr Stanley Lai, Clinical Assistant Professors in Periodontology and Dr Elvis Tsang, Principal Clinical Dental Instructor in Periodontolog. Part-time teachers include Dr Dae-Yun Lee, Dr Dave Chan, Dr Judy Tse, Dr Melissa Fok, and Dr Janet Wong.
Media Enquiry:
Ms Melody Tang
Senior Communications Officer
Faculty of Dentistry, University of Hong Kong
Tel: 2859 0494; Email: melodytang@hku.hk
首間歐洲以外大學獲「歐洲牙周病學聯盟」 認證
(2020年1月21日- 香港) 香港大學牙醫學院的牙周病學臨床專業碩士課程 - Master in Dental Surgery (Periodontology) 獲「歐洲牙周病學聯盟」(European Federation of Periodontology, EFP) 批准認可,是首間在歐洲以外獲得EFP 認證的大學。
目前獲EFP認可的牙周病學臨床專業碩士課程有16個,分佈在12個國家和地區,包括英國、法國(2)、瑞士、意大利、荷蘭、比利時(2)、西班牙(2)、瑞典、愛爾蘭、以色列(2)、土耳其和中國香港 。
港大牙醫學院牙周病學臨床教授兼課程主任Maurizio Tonetti教授對課程達到EFP嚴格的專業培訓標準感到高興和自豪。他表示:「牙周病嚴重影響著全球人口的健康,我們致力培養應對這一重大挑戰所需的專家。非常高興這願景獲得EFP的支持和認可,我們期待與其他EFP認證課程的領域内的精英專家切磋交流。」
港大牙周病學臨床專業碩士課程為期三年,旨在培育在臨床和學術上的優秀牙周病學專家。課程有四成時間用於患者臨床治療和護理,三成時間用於專業學習和教學,以及三成在研究項目上。學生在設於菲臘牙科醫院内的香港大學先進牙醫學研究所 - 專科診所接受專業教育和臨床培訓。
Tonetti教授補充說:「課程除了獲國際認可,内容和安排上亦與國際銜接,加上期終考試由 EFP 指定的外部審查員進行,畢業生可獲 EFP 頒發的牙周學和植齒學專業培訓證書。2020 年度的畢業生將是首批獲發 EFP 證書的學生。他們作為EFP的校友,有機會與其他課程畢業的同儕交流, 在專業發展上有所裨益。在香港,這課程仍然是在香港進行專業註冊的基礎課程。」
課程聯合主任、港大牙周病學臨床助理教授George Pelekos醫生說:「今次取得的成就,是整個牙科團隊和同學努力合作的成果,他們的表現出色,為課程作出的貢獻。」
課程的其他全職成員包括牙周病學臨床助理教授何經綸醫生和賴文龍醫生,以及首席臨床牙科教師(牙周病學)曾耀祥醫生。兼職教職員有李大炫醫生、陳溢謙醫生、 謝明雅醫生、 霍慧心醫生和黃鶴齡醫生。
香港大學牙醫學院高級傳訊主任 鄧慧中 女士
電話: 2859 0494; 電郵: melodytang@hku.hk
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