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HKU Faculty of Dentistry Taught Postgraduate Programmes (TPG) are now open for application
Newly developed “Multi – Speciality Clinic” provides students with clinical training opportunities and the public with affordable specialised dental treatment
The HKU Faculty of Dentistry Taught Postgraduate Programmes (TPG) are now open for application. Current TPG students have been receiving clinical training at the Faculty’s newly established “Institute for Advanced Dentistry Multi-Speciality Clinic” (IAD-MSC) since October last year. IAD-MSC is a major initiative of the Faculty with the objective to educate and train dental specialists in Hong Kong as well as to provide affordable advanced dental treatment to those suffer from severe and complex oral conditions.
Nurture dental specialists
Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, IAD-MSC provides training for qualified dentists in 8 dental disciplines of the Faculty: Endodontics, Implant Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics, Paediatric Dentistry, Periodontology and Prosthodontics, and Dental Public Health. Under the supervision of clinical experts, resident dentists acquire knowledge on advanced dental treatment.
IAD-MSC provides important learning and clinical practicing opportunities for postgraduate students. Professor Cynthia Yiu, Associate Dean (Taught Postgraduate Education) of the Faculty of Dentistry, HKU stated that the Faculty of Dentistry is the only dental school in Hong Kong with the mission to provide dentists further dental education and training. “The postgraduate programmes offer ample opportunities for students to acquire subject specialist knowledge. Being trained at the new establishment - IAD-MSC, students will be well prepared for the world of modern dentistry and will be able to deliver excellent dental care to the patients," said Professor Yiu.
In addition, Professor Thomas Flemmig, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry stressed, “To address the considerable shortage of dental specialists in Hong Kong and the region, the Faculty will educate more than 100 master degree students in 8 disciplines by this academic year.”
Serve as referral centre with affordable services
The Faculty of Dentistry is committed to serve the community. IAD-MSC provides affordable dental service to the public with efficient centralized booking, easy inter-specialty referrals, and several dental specialties in one central location.
Moreover, IAD-MSC serves as referral centre for practising dentists from both public and private clinics. Mr Eric Tsui, Director of IAD-MSC said, “We aspire to work hand-in-hand with practising dentists.”
Together with teaching, clinical research and oral health innovation, the long-term goal of the Faculty of Dentistry targets to improve access to high-quality advanced dental care. “The IAD-MSC contributes to the Faculty’s vision and to deliver impact through innovation, interdisciplinarity and internationalization,” concluded Professor Thomas Flemmig.
About Faculty of Dentistry Taught Postgraduate Programmes:
About Institute for Advanced Dentistry Multi-Speciality Clinic:
Media Enquiry:
Faculty of Dentistry, HKU
Senior Communications Officer
Ms Melody Tang
Tel: 2859 0494
For the online press release and photos, please visit:
(From Left) Professor Cynthia Yiu, Associate Dean (Taught Postgraduate Education) of HKU Faculty of Dentistry, Professor Thomas Flemmig, Dean of HKU Faculty of Dentistry and Mr Eric Tsui, Director of IAD-MSC
Staff at IAD- MSC
The postgraduate programmes allow dentists to acquire subject specialist knowledge
香港大學牙醫學院碩士課程現正招生 嶄新落成「牙醫專科診所」供學生臨床培訓 為市民提供較可負擔的專科牙科治療
香港大學牙醫學院碩士課程由即日起招生。應屆碩士生已於去年十月起於港大牙醫學院新成立的「先進牙醫學研究所 - 牙醫專科診所」(下稱「牙醫專科診所」接受臨床培訓。「牙醫專科診所」乃學院的一項重大新猷,旨在培育香港的專科牙醫,並為患有複雜或嚴重口腔疾病的市民提供較可負擔的治療。
轉介中心 服務社群
此外,「牙醫專科診所」接受全港牙醫轉介複雜或嚴重口腔疾病的個案,患者只要持有註冊牙醫簽發的轉介信,便可聯絡診所預約。診所總監徐偉亮先生表示:「我們冀與執業牙醫攜手合作。」 綜合教學、臨床研究和嶄新治療, 牙醫學院的長遠目標乃改善優質牙科治療的供應。傅立明院長總結:「牙醫專科診所為牙醫學院的願景付諸實踐,並於創新、學科和國際層面上作出具影響力的貢獻。」
有關「先進牙醫學研究所 - 牙醫專科診所」
鄧慧中 (Melody Tang)
電話: 2859 0494
(左起) 港大牙醫學院副院長(修課課程)姚嘉榕教授、港大牙醫學院院長傅立明教授 和「先進牙醫學研究所 - 牙醫專科診所」總監徐偉亮先生
「先進牙醫學研究所 - 牙醫專科診所」工作人員
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