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HKU Faculty of Dentistry Hosts
Dental Health Care Webinar for Ethnic Minorities
The Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) will organise an Oral Health Care Multi-Lingual Webinar for Ethnic Minorities (EM) to enhance their awareness and knowledge on oral care and dental health care services in Hong Kong. The details are as follows:
Dental Health Care Multi-Lingual Webinar
Date: June 18, 2021 (Friday)
Time: 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm (HKT)
Faculty of Dentistry, HKU
  • Dr Prasanna Neelakantan, Clinical Assistant Professor in Endodontics
  • Dr Abrar Khawaja, Graduate of Master of Dental Surgery in Periodontology
  • Ms Gunjan Gupta, Bachelor of Dental Surgery Year 5 student
  • Ms Amrita Sanju Daryanani, Project Assistant
Language: Urdu, Hindi and English
  • Self-Oral Care Steps
  • Brushing and Flossing Demonstration
  • Dental Health Facilities and Services
Link: / (SIP)
Recorded version: June 20, 2021 on Facebook of HKDentalHealthFair (
This Webinar is held under the Faculty’s “Dental Health - A Gateway to BETTER General Health” project, which was initiated by Dr. Prasanna Neelakantan. “Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong face a tremendous difficulty to optimal oral care, due to lack of information, which is compounded by the barriers imposed by language and culture,” said Dr. Neelakantan. To address this challenge, he launched this project with the support of the HKU Knowledge Exchange (KE) Funding Scheme for Impact Projects in 2017 and he has been working closely with NGOs including The India Association Hong Kong, The Pakistan Association of Hong Kong Limited, Shine Centre, Meenakshi Achi Charitable Foundation, Sri Lankan Buddhist Cultural Centre Hong Kong, Health in Action, etc to deliver free dental outreach services to Ethnic Minorities and Migrant Workers. Eight dental fairs, with dentists and volunteers who can speak English, Hindi or Urdu, were arranged in 2018 and 2019 providing over 1200 EM initial dental screening, fluoride application and oral health education. Due to COVID-19, to ensure safety of the volunteers and the participants, outreach programmes have been suspended and educational webinars are being offered. The Faculty organised the first oral health webinar for EM in 2020 attracting more than 2,000 viewers. For more information, please visit:
Media Enquiry:
Faculty of Dentistry, University of Hong Kong
Senior Communications Officer, Ms. Melody Tang
Tel: 2859 0494; Email:
For the online press release and photos, please visit:
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Dental Health Care Multi-Lingual Webinar
日期: 6月18日(星期五)
時間: 晚上7時至8時(香港時間)
  • 根管治療臨床助理教授聶燊朗醫生
  • 碩士課程(牙周病學)畢業生Abrar Khawaja醫生
  • 牙醫學士課程五年級生Gunjan Gupta女士
  • 項目助理Amrita Sanju女士
語言: 烏都語、印度語和英語
  • 個人口腔護理的步驟
  • 正確刷牙和使用牙線示範
  • 牙科保健設施和服務
Dental Health Care Multi-Lingual Webinar 直播連結: / (SIP)
此網上講座乃港大牙醫學院「Dental Health - A Gateway to BETTER General Health 」項目的活動之一。項目發起人聶燊朗醫生有感於「由於資訊不足,加上語言和文化障礙,少數族裔在香港尋找牙科服務時面對不少困難」,於2017年在港大知識交流撥款計劃資助下推出有關項目,之後一直與印度協會、巴基斯坦商會、多元色彩閃耀坊、Meenakshi Achi Charitable Foundation、 斯里蘭卡佛學與文化中心和醫護行者等非牟利機構合作,為少數族裔和外籍勞工提供免費外展牙科服務。2018至2019年,該項目籌組了八場口腔健康推廣日,由懂英語、印度語和烏都語的牙醫和義工,為超過1200名少數族裔進行初步的牙科檢查,為牙齒塗上氟化物作保護,並講解口腔健康的資訊。在新冠疫情下,外展服務因顧及義工和參與者的安全而暫停,轉爲舉辦網上講座。學院於2020年進行了首場口腔健康講座的網上直播,吸引了2000多名觀眾參與。詳情請瀏覽:
傳媒查詢 :
香港大學牙醫學院 高級傳訊主任 鄧慧中 (Melody Tang)
電話: 2859 0494; 電郵:
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