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HKU Dentistry holds Prize Giving Ceremony for video competition to enhance secondary schoolers’ awareness on caries
“Secondary School Video Competition” Champion – Heep Yuun School. Dr Century Tsang presents certificates and prizes to students.
The Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) held a Prize Giving Ceremony on August 6 (Friday) for winners of the “Secondary School Video Competition” (原「齒」創作). Nine awards were presented, including the top three prizes, five merit awards and one most popular award.
The event was held jointly with the Dental Public Health Committee (DPHC) of the Dental Society, which was formed by Dental Surgery undergraduate students, with an aim to enhance the awareness of secondary school students on dental caries, oral hygiene and misconceptions about oral health.
Over 100 students from 30 schools participated in the competition. They demonstrated their talent and creativity in producing short videos on information about caries including its causes, prevention and treatments, and on oral care and hygiene. Based on the assessment criteria – accurate and precise content, creativity and interesting delivery, as well as good technique in editing and sound effects, the judging panel selected Heep Yunn School as the champion.
Winning schools:
Champion - Heep Yunn School
First runner-up - King George V School
Second runner-up - Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section)
Merits: Wycombe Abbey School, Sacred Heart Canossian College, King George V School, Sha Tin College, St. Paul's Convent School
Most popular award - Wycombe Abbey School
Addressing the audience in the opening speech, Professor CH Chu, Associate Dean (External Relations) of the Faculty of Dentistry said: “The Faculty is committed to serving the society and educating our next generation to take up responsibilities in community engagement.” He hoped the event could inspire secondary school students to study Dentistry.
Chairperson of DPHC Dental Society, Miss Kelly Sze (Bachelor of Dental Surgery, Year 2 student) said: “Through this competition, we sincerely hope that all participants have developed an awareness towards oral health maintenance and prevention of common oral diseases.”
Also officiating at the ceremony, Dr Century Tsang, President of Hong Kong Dental Association (HKDA), shared with the audience some dental-related activities that secondary school students took part in such as the HKDA Healthy Smile Cambodia Service Trip with dentists in 2018 and 2019; while Dr Ollie Yu, Clinical Assistant Professor in Cariology of the Faculty of Dentistry, spoke of dental caries.
For the list of awardees and their winning videos, please visit:
Media Enquiry:
Ms Melody Tang, Senior Communications Officer, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Hong Kong
Tel: 2859 0494; Email:
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港大牙醫學院舉行中學生短片創作比賽頒獎禮 提升中學生對蛀牙的關注
冠軍 - 協恩中學
亞軍 - 英皇佐治五世學校
季軍 - 瑪利諾修院學校(中學部)
優異獎 - 香港威雅學校、嘉諾撒聖心書院、英皇佐治五世學校、 沙田學院和聖保祿學校
最受歡迎獎 – 香港威雅學校
口腔衞生推廣委員會主席、牙醫本科課程二年級學生施結盈說: 「我們希望透過比賽,鼓勵大衆培養口腔衞生的習慣,以及提升預防口腔疾病的意識。」。
香港牙醫學會會長曾憲紀醫生分享了一些中學生參與過的牙科活動,包括於2018 和2019年與牙科醫生一起到柬埔寨參與義工服務。另外,齲病學臨床助理教授余逸如醫生出席講解蛀牙的資訊。
香港大學牙醫學院 高級傳訊主任 鄧慧中 (Melody Tang)
電話: 2859 0494; 電郵:
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