Learning Facilities

Learning Facilities

Learning Clinics & Facilities

Hands-on Experience & Expert Guidance

Starting from BDS Year 2, students have chance to treat patients under the supervision of qualified clinical staff. The Faculty of Dentistry is situated at the Prince Philip Dental Hospital which provide facilities for the training of dentists and other persons in professions supplementary to dentistry. There are few patients cum learning clinics.

Institute of Advanced Dentistry
Institute of Advanced Dentistry

A centre of excellence for the management of complex and severe oral conditions. It provides dental education, fosters clinical innovation, supports applied research, and offers continuing dental and professional education to practising dentists and specialists.

Learn more about IAD-MSC
Comprehensive Dental Care
Comprehensive Dental Care

The clinics offer practice opportunities for students to be in touch with patients and to provide them dental service in various disciplines.

Simulation Laboratory
Simulation Laboratory

It is essential for dental students to learn how to transit theory to practice before entering patient clinics. The lab provides opportunity for students to practice and enhance their manual skills. From BDS 1 to 6 students, they are introduced to all aspects of dentistry and they can perform dental treatment procedures on simulators. It is an interactive learning environment for instructors and students.

To enhance the training of undergraduate students’ manual dexterity and hand-eye coordination for surgical procedures, the unit has six bimanual “haptics” (touch-feedback) systems, which use two joysticks to simulate the 3D feel of dental instruments as well as different layers of healthy and diseased teeth. The sight and sound of dental procedures are also closely simulated. The Faculty is the first dental school in Asia to use these 3D simulators for training dental operative skills.

Infection Control Teaching Suite
Infection Control Teaching Suite

The Faculty set up the first Infection Control Teaching Suite in Hong Kong in 2016 with the objective to promote awareness about the prevention of infection in dentistry. Equipped with cutting-edge technology, the suite is built and houses a twin instrument cleaning sink, a handpiece cleaner/lubricator, a thermal washer disinfector and two vacuum type autoclaves – all facilities catered for the cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of instruments.

Dental Library
Dental Library

Dental Library has wide range of collection ranging from all aspects of dental medicine, related basic sciences, dental history to development of dental education. Staff and students can find journals, books, printed materials and E-versions on the areas of oral biology, oral implantation, periodontics, endodontics, orthodontics, paediatric dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery etc.

The library provides computers, rooms and cubicles for faculty members and showcases a dental tool antique – foot operated dental drill aka treadle drill which was invented in 1981.

Learn more about Dental Library
Problem Based Learning Suite
Problem Based Learning Suite

The Faculty has implemented the full use of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) which is student-centred and open-discovery mode of learning in the undergraduate dental curriculum since 1998. PBL suites provide several rooms with equipment such as smart board and projectors to allow small groups to explore real-life situation assignments.